boston phoenix luvs mia


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
[SIZE=-1]she gets the quotation!

The Boston octet KAYO DOT play ululating landscapy prog-metal laced with passages of modern-classical anxiety: their compositions include room for strings, trumpet, and euphonium as well as for thrash's bone-crushing, arpeggiated atonalities. The group's debut album was released by John Zorn's Tzadik label, which has also issued a solo disc by bandleader Toby Driver. Their new album, Dowsing Anemone with Copper Tongue (Robotic Empire, due in January), comprises five long pieces that sound like an unholy alliance between Sigur Rós and Neurosis; violinist Mia Matsumiya describes them as "more organic and earthy and tactual." Kayo Dot will preview at T.T. the Bear's Place, 10 Brookline St, Cambridge | $9 | 617.492.BEAR.[/SIZE]
hahaha, they totally used that quote in the wrong context!! I said that the new album was "more organic and earthy and tactual" in *comparison* to Choirs of the Eye!... also yeah, that was lifted off my lj but that's cool that they quoted me! (even if it was in a weird/untrue context!)
It would be funny as hell if I did an interview with my band and some guy started asking me why I hate mexicans and blacks..and I'd be like wha? and he'd be all...dude, I read the kayo dot board.
That's awesome, hopefully one day some journalist asks me to elaborate on why I believe vampires don't defecate.
Duh, because they don't intake any solid mass except blood cells and proteins which are obviously broken down completely for their protein content or absorbed whole to absorb their life essence completely. I mean its probably scientifically proven, I read it in some wiccan book and it was totally reconfirmed in scientific american. Look it up, I dare you.
I'd have to go with yes, they do, but they're not directly affected by the symptoms associated with it because their natural immune system is not working anyway, their body functions on supernatural charge. I'd say they can spread the virus from feeding though. Also, I guess, if a vampire feeds on ridden blood, the blood could be less potent? They'd lose the virus when the blood is completely drained away, given that the vampire doesn't feed again until this happens, so the new blood isn't mixed with the ridden blood. This would make for hilarious fasting vampires.
yeah, what helm said. but for all intents and purposes, that's a 'no' not a 'yes' cuz the aids isnt gonna kill them or effect them, and with slow death being what aids is all about anyway... spread the virus to who? (whom) the ones they kill or the new vampires who also aren't really effected by 'having' the disease or by 'spreading' it to people they either kill or make undead, etc etc
what I explained was that vampires can be carriers of HIV but do not develop AIDS. I compared it to that STD that men carry around with barely a negative effect while women who get it get cervical cancer or something.
I looked into it. I thought HPV while writing the post but that does cause problems in men (warts), even though it causes much worse problems in women.

the one I was thinking of is probably chlamydia, which can cause problems in men, but only rarely, and most men can go through life not knowing they have it. while women end up totally screwed.
it only causes much worse in women if they're dumb enough to not get a yearly/bi-yearly pap smear.
if you do get a check up that often you have like, almost a 0 risk of cancer.
last time i checked almost 84% of the tested male population carried it. and a little less of the female population tested had it. that was from the CDC a few years ago.