Bought an Japanese Edwards Les Paul Sh4 in the bridge


Feb 11, 2007
Frisco, CA
So just started messing around with this. Awesome awesome guitar but just not sure about the pickups. How do you guys rate the sh-4? I feel that I want a tighter sound although that could be my playing! Just that my jackson with emg81 has a tighter sound? Any suggestions for a pick up instead of sh-4...or is sh-4 something you guys would leave in a les paul copy
SH-4 = JB = Muddy poop :puke: An EMG-81 in that guitar would be PERFECT (I have one in the bridge of my ESP EC-400, and I tried the 85 in there, but it was too muddy, the 81 is just awesome in it!)
Well I guess that depends on what you mean by "difficult" - EMG's are a bit more difficult to install, but come with everything you need EXCEPT a stereo output jack (some guitars already have 'em, though), and it's possible to use an EMG in the bridge and a passive pup in the neck to save money (I can't remember which ones, but there were some threads on here discussing how to do this). I'd go for it!
personally i love the sh4 and i'd leave it in there, honestly i don't think the 81 is that much tighter

i'm guessing the jackson you're used to playing is alder with a maple neck, just taking a blind stab there but that's what most jacksons are...if your new guitar is an LP copy then it's most likely mahogany with a mahogany neck, so it's gonna be darker, warmer, thicker, and not quite as tight sounding as what you're used to

i'd try to give it a few weeks to see if the pickup grows on you...maybe it will, but maybe you'll end up hating it
Coming from a former JB-hater: give it more time and rethink your amp settings.

When I first tried the JB I was grossed out by the flubby lows and the cutting and too present highs. I really didn't like it. But give it more time, play around with the amp settings and it might grow on you. It did grow on me.

It has a very pleasant midrange, a bit different than the one EMGs have.

If you really, really don't like it in the end, just throw in some EMGs, but give the JB a chance first. It's more of a taste thing, IMO.
ive always thought the JBs would sound great in a better sounding solid body, i switched out my SH4/SH2 combo in my rhoads jackson to emg 85/81, i love that combo sounds better in that body. the SH4 was just a little too present in the highend, the low was more than controllable depending on your style.

but after i put the SH4/SH2 in a semi-hollow body i loved them they tamed that high end and made the pickup very balanced and gives it a classic punchy hot pickup sound which is what i wanted in that guitar.

but yeah give it some more time, i think they could sound very good in a solid body like the les paul, so try some diff amp settings and adjust your technique and see what happens.