bounced a track with trigger - does not align with original track!

This happens to me with DrumReaplacer.
Shit is fucking annoying.

Especially having to go in and edit every single kick(well most) for fast songs.

If Trigger does this too, I'm not buying it.
question; Does this has something to do with disabled latency compensation?

well, if that were the case, every i would have the same problem with every latency-introducing plugin i think. however, that's not the case, just happens with trigger.
i'm not sure tough whether ADC or PDC or whatever it's called is a global setting affecting every plugin or can be controlled for each plugin that you instantiate. in reaper that is.
I have made this video about how I do solve that problem...
at least in Pro tools works but I guess you can figure out how to do that in other DAW's without dragging it manually.
I hope it helps!