Drum replacement: Triggering from raw track VS. duplicating track VS. sending to aux

@Uros, I never though about this. I was manually recording the midi output from reagate.

I've reposted it here so other people can find it easier.
Do you have any other cool tricks like this?
Yeah Skinny, I had to manually copy/paste some stronger hits over some weak ones since our drummer seems to have left-foot weakness during SLOWER double kick parts, oddly enough, and gets much louder during faster double kick.

compression can usually take care of that if you squeeze it hard enough and then use the make up gain to bring it all up ... at least it'll help with more consistent triggered hits for those spots
Wasnt aware of this way of doing it in Reaper Uros thanks!
I also enjoy Reaper a lot my Logic is taking some dust.
It was with Reagate that did'nt work that well for me.
@Uros, I never though about this. I was manually recording the midi output from reagate.

I've reposted it here so other people can find it easier.
Do you have any other cool tricks like this?

This is not my trick tho, I learned it from Adam Wathan, a.k.a The Reaper Wiz ;)
I also use his Beat Detective style drum editing method in conjunction with slip editing (which is the only drum editing method I'd used before that, when I was working in Cubase exclusively).
I am no Reaper expert, but I do recommend you to watch Groove 3 videos about R4. I watched the first one one or two times, and I learned a lot from it already.