Bowering Park


Dec 11, 2001
NF, Canada
I heard a band playing at Bowering Park this afternoon (Sunday May 4) who did a Metallica medley (Master, Justice, Am I Evil, 4 Horsemen, etc). I wasn't there, but I heard it from my house. Anyone know who they are? From a distance anyway it sounded decent.

Also...what's the deal on the theatre stage there in Bowering Park? I've seen it before and it looks like a killer place to play a gig. Does anyone know what it costs to rent it or anything?
I went to the show on sunday, on a friends reccomendation.The first band was a blink 182 cover band, the second, "Cloud Machine", I cannot comment on because I am not into indie rock(for lack of a better name). They did play a cover of Paranoid, but the singer decided to sing like Lemmy rather than Ozzy.........
The next band was actually a girl and two dancers singing over funny pop beats.
Needless to say, i left so i missed the band who played metallica.

The ampitheatre was cool though, a welcome change from smokey tennis clubs and bars. I would be impossible to hold a show there however. Unless it is a free show, and weather permitting.

When Cloud Machine did the paranoid cover, a little girl ran out of the stands, crying with her hands covering her ears. There is a reason why the show was free.
If she ran crying from a song like Paranoid, imagine the suffering she'd experience from hearing something like Asphyxiation!!!! HAAAAAAAA!!!!!
