Boxing thread

Bambi said:
seen it. done it. for a long time. walked away. If yer training somewhere where they can make it work for real as opposed to demonstrating fancy locks etc youre one of the few.

And why is brucey so great?? ive never seen him fight anyone worth mentioning. he had some brilliant ideas that were ahead of their time but himself??

lee is an icon definetely and he introduced this stuff to the whole world, i am no expert on martial arts except the movies but he's great to watch and i think i have read that his students were very succesful. Other than that, i have no idea how he stands against the masters of the martial arts world. and i still think it would be hell of a fight if ali and lee made a serious match. Lee actually intended to wear gloves and not to use kicks.
Bambi said:
seen it. done it. for a long time. walked away. If yer training somewhere where they can make it work for real as opposed to demonstrating fancy locks etc youre one of the few.

And why is brucey so great?? ive never seen him fight anyone worth mentioning. he had some brilliant ideas that were ahead of their time but himself??

From what i trained, it looked efficacious but i never tried it for real cos i’m a very peaceful girl

I saw some documentaries about Bruce Lee and think he’s the best… that’s my opinion
He had a brilliant mind and good techniques
well show us this JJ mobs website and i'll give me unbiased opinion of em :tickled:

here susie you kid isnt training with david vincents crew is he??
I was there 5 years ago, internet wasn’t much used at that time :erk:
I could find only one site of jj in Portugal, and it belongs to guy that is creating his onw martial art with basis on jj :ill:
RottenAngel said:
mustaches? :lol:
ah dont laugh at muzzys :cry:
