Boy beats willing girlfriend into abortion!!!


This story rocks!!! This kid has done what I perform jokes about everyday (minus the coat hanger and shop vac) :headbang: On a serious note, I hope that all of "AntiFree Choice and Liberty Party" err, I mean Republicans realize that if abortion is abolished, an article like this will appear in the paper everyday.

Teen arraigned on charges in girlfriend's miscarriage
January 7, 2005, 4:57 AM

MOUNT CLEMENS, Mich. (AP) -- A 16-year-old Richmond Township boy who police say repeatedly beat his willing girlfriend in the abdomen to force a miscarriage has been arraigned on a felony charge in Macomb County juvenile court.

In addition, Judge Matt Switalski ordered Thursday that the teens have no contact with each other outside school events.

The teenage boy said nothing at the court appearance. His girlfriend, sitting in the back of the courtroom with her parents, left without speaking, the Detroit Free Press reported in a Friday story.

The teens' fathers told reporters after the hearing that the teens were good children who were desperate to hide the pregnancy for fear of disappointing their parents.

Authorities say a roughly 6-month-old male fetus was delivered Oct. 4 at the girl's home after the girl allowed the boy to hit her repeatedly in the abdomen with a 22-inch baseball bat over the course of two weeks. The buried fetus was discovered in November in the boy's yard.

The medical examiner concluded that the fetus was not viable.

The boy was charged Thursday with intentional conduct against a pregnant individual resulting in miscarriage or stillbirth. Under the 1999 Michigan law that made it a crime, only the person acting against the pregnant woman is criminally liable, while the mother is not.

The boy will be treated as a juvenile because of his age and lack of prior contacts with the criminal justice system. If convicted, he would be under the supervision of the juvenile court until he turns 21.

The boy will remain in the custody of his parents and will return to court March 8 for a preliminary exam, The Detroit News reported.

Miranda Massie, an attorney for the boy, argued that because the girl consented to the beatings, her boyfriend can't be charged with assaulting her.

But Macomb County Prosecutor Eric Smith countered that people can't consent to this severe of an assault.
That's some stupid shit.

BTW TD, just because you're a Republican doesn't mean you're pro-life. I really don't give a fuck either way personally.