Bradford Rio's


New Metal Member
Oct 28, 2001
Hi, I have just been informed that according to the Bradford Rio's site, Area 54 are playing there with Dirty Deeds. This is a mistake and the Uxfest gig today will be the last gig for a while.


It's a shame that is, however on a purely personal note I'm actually quite glad cos I couldn't have gone to Rios for the gig and to miss you guys when you are sooooooo close would have been criminal :D
I Would Like To Suggest A Gig At The Peel In Kingston :-D Area 54 Would Probably Get A Good Reaction From There Cause All The People That Go There Are Like 30-40 Old Metalers That Would Appreciate Area 54. Plus Its Very Close To me :-D
well how about....... sleep in the beer tent.... tis like a house - or hire a caravan ;)

pc - bring ur laptop
MTV2 - go do a peepin tom thru the owners window ;)
big bath - im sure Stu can bring the kids paddeling pool
hairdryer - there plugs in the toilets :)