Subrosa -No Help For the Mighty Ones VS Havukruunu - Kelle Surut Soi
This is another timepiece album that I correlate to the early '10s. I still remember when this album captured my soul. It was during a Kriglochest routine on a rainy day in October. I was headbanging, , blitznoodling, and feeling the fire of being alive. Only thing that beats dopamine, is dopamine with fantastic music playing in one's ears. This timepiece is not about to be fucked with by a Moonsorrow's baby bruh.
Inquisition-Obscure Verses for the Multiverse vs MGLA- With Hearts Towards None
Winner -Inquisition
MGLA is too inconsistent with their hellraising. Need to be in a proper mood for it to hit. Kermit n Co on the other hand hellraise around the clock. Great riffs + Unique Vox
Ildra-Edelland vs Dordeduh- Dar de Duh
Dordeduh-Dar de Duh
Victim of the bracketeering mob. Ildra deserves another go, but the spirit of Bunget too fierce.
Borknagar-True North vs Ludicra-TheTenant
Ludicra-The Tenant
Lizard vs A dude who sounds like a whiny pedo snorting crumbs of grated parmesan. Dorknegar is beyond garbage in this offering. Felt like Black Metal for the Disney Channel.
Deathspell Omega-The Furnaces of Palingenesia vs Arch/Matheos-Sympathetic Resonance
DSO-The Furnaces of Palingenesia
Both utter tripe. I dont like DSO, typically love to shit on their hype train, but it will have to wait. This Ken shit is unlistenable. (I tried again after Erik's praise, but it fell as flat as day old beer)
Vaura-Selenelion vs Skald In Veum-Stridslysten
Skald isnt bad per se, but nothing special. Cookie cutter tripe. Are these dudes Christian? No other reason for Josh to nominate the shit elsewise. Completely forgettable. Plenty of meat left on the bone with Vaura, I wish to explore them further. Please nominate some secular tunes going forward, I fear for your nominees.
Blut Aus Nord-Memoria Vetusta III Saturnian Poetry vs Ruins of Beverast-Exuvia
Ruins of Beverast-Exuvia
Superior album, the BAN just all blends together and is completely forgettable. RoB demands more intimacy.
Gris - À l'âme enflammée, l'âme constellée vs Hortor - Dharma Esencia de Impureza
Hortor-Dharma Initiave dr Mejico
Gris the superior album, but I dont have one week to listen to a fucking record. These albums need to be penalized for wasting the listener's time with tangent masturbatory noodling. If albums were books, it would be akin to adding 20 chapters to a book after a logical conclusion drew forth. Fuck this horse shit. Going to throw Hortor a bone since theyre getting lambasted. Poor vatos.
Macabre Omen- Gods of War- At War vs Defeated Sanity- Passages Into Deformity
Macabre Omen
Arguably one of the best albums of the decade vs an album which gave me pangs of suffering. I didnt know Roter Rooter and teamed for a collaboration.
Zebulon Pike- Nostalgia for the Unreal vs Ash Borer-The Irrepassable Gate
Ash Borer-The Impassable Gate
Going to have to talk to my band mates about this one. Zeb Pike is Just absolute pants of the skinny jean variety. Flaccid as an Aussie towards a salined arsehole, and stinks just as bad. Why is this here? Have we all become old men? Arse Borer worthy of more listens. Unlike bored gaping arsehole, this didnt have me writhing.
Spectral Lore- III vs Cultes des Ghoules- Coven, Or Evil Ways Instead of Love
Spectral Lore III-
CDG is pretentious tripe. Not even the Pepsi One of Evil. These Poles need to be back under communism to recapture their balls. Fugg outta here
Tribulation-The Children of the Night vs Anathema-Weather System
Anathema-Weather Systems
Hardest choice of the bracket. I bought the Tribulation disc, but im a pink faggith through n through. Why else am I on here but for this lovey dovey horse shit? Shit lyrics overcome by heavenly fem vox and the tried and true Anathema sound. Just one and half step above elevator music. I'll take it.
Eternal Champion-Armor of Ire vs Pathology-The Time of Great Purification
Eternal Champion- Autotune of Ire
All the shine is gone. With that being said, Pathology needs some autotune on their grommet Jack Stephen vocals. Probably would get behind these guys if they opened at a gig and I was three sheets to the wind, but alas not desirable for at home listening.
Leprous-Bilateral vs Hesychast-Ageless
Second closest matchup of the bracket. Dug Hesychast, but Leprous had hook n ties. I want to listen to this album a few more times. Leprous tastefully took me outside of my comfort zone, without dragging me across the other side of the room.
Cultes des Ghoules-Henbane vs Wytch Hazel II: Sojourn
Wytch Hazel II
Listening to CDG is like staring at Brie Larson's ass for 60 mins. Theres nothing there.
Burzum-Belus vs Immolation-Majesty and Decay
Burzum -Belus
All hail Varg! This one was another toughy as the style clash made it hard to gauge and be overtly preferential. Belus has more utility. Just some laid back tuneage with catchy af choruses.
Overall Bracket Rating C-