Bravewords Wrap-Up

Heavenly Call

Jul 30, 2002
Atlanta, GA
I know several people on this thread were at Bravewords over the weekend. Just like to know everyone's take.

Venue - Love the venue, I just wish the vendors had a bigger room...way to crowded. As far as the sound goes, I personally think it is MUCH better than ProgPower. Sounds cleaner for some reason. It may be the way the room is structured.

Vendors - Not overly impressed here. I am a big fan of Vyagra music so they, Exploding Ned's, and the End records were my saving grace. The others were all death or strange bootlegs that I didn't care for. BIG ups to progpower in this department.

Bands - didn't go Wednesday night, Thursday was an Auburn Records party and anyone who knows them knows that pretty much all their bands sound the same so on to Friday...
Lillitu - played a fantastic set! Great job guys!
Shadowkeep - slightly impressed but not blown away. Props to the female guitarist though. Don't see that everyday
E-Force - Went to eat, caught last song, glad I went to eat
Seven Witches - Outstanding!!! Fourth time I've seen them and best performance yet! Hopefully they'll make to progpower one day. I think James Rivera could crack glass if he wanted too. Jack Frost is always fun to watch.
Doro - Good performance, her band is GREAT, but the song choices were not what I wanted to here...aww...poor me.
Grave Digger - They sound like an awesome powermetal band that has been together for 20 years. Flawless...just that damn singing....
Katatonia - left with everyone else.

Saturday - Acoustic Set
Seven Witches - way too drunk, not a good performance at all, but funny as shit to watch!!!!
Doro - apparently thought this was an electric performance as she was all leathered out and up jumping around on stage!
Crimson Boring - Oh, I mean Glory...left after 3 songs. Midnight was tired and his voice didn't sound all that great. Not a big CG fan anyway...

Saturday - Regular Sets
Ion Vein - :yow: Whoa! Totally impressed! Their CD is being ordered now...was out of money there and couldn't get it. Great prog metal! Would make a stellar addition to PP.
Brainstorm - Good solid performance. Their choruses aren't catchy enough for me, but musically they are outstanding. The singer is VERY entertaining and had the crowd riled up quick. They will be kick ass at prog power!
Flotsam and Jetsam - Went to eat, caught last 2 songs, glad I went to eat.
Shok Paris - WTF? Musically they were on, but BIG buzzkill. The singer's other band Aftershok was much more entertaining on Thursday. How they got billed ater Brainstorm and FandJ is beyond me.
Dismember - Big surprise! I do NOT like death metal, but damn this band was so much fun!!! They picked the energy right back up in that place. Great performance!
Primal Fear - Power metal gods in my opinion. It doesn't get any better than this! They got cut off in their last song, but it was a time thing...I didn't care, they had more than made my weekend.
Metal Church - we left for the 13 hour drive home.

All in all a FANTASTIC weekend, I picked up 39 CDs, 1 Shirt(Masterplan) and a couple of Compilations. Got me REALLY psyched for PP. Come on September!!!!!!!!!!:D :D :D
I really enjoyed everything for the most part like last year. The highlights were BRAINSTORM, PRIMAL FEAR, I'm still pissed off about getting cut one tune, though. SEVEN WITCHES, DORO was very entertaining, DISMEMBER fucking ruled! METAL CHURCH were great beyond belief! Ronny Munroe was a fantastic showman as well as a great vocalist. They haven't missed a step. GRAVE DIGGER was incredible and I can only hope that someday I can witness them live again!
Heavenly Call said:
Brainstorm - Good solid performance. Their choruses aren't catchy enough for me, but musically they are outstanding. The singer is VERY entertaining and had the crowd riled up quick. They will be kick ass at prog power!
:D :D :D
Any idea as to what they played??? A complete set-list would be nice.
awesome weekend. awesome promoters, doro, fans, doro, awesome bands, parties,doro, hotels, cooperstown , doro, $1 rum and cokes across the street, numerous autographes in the encyclopedia of heavy metal...

to all that i met this weekend: every one of you were great. my buddy and i had the best concert road trip ever. unfortunately, i did['nt bother getting to know many of your names (or at least stay sober enough to.......) or email addresses.

there was not a single negative experience during the almost 4 days i was there, except with what was up about waiting until 9 to pump up the air in the venue....

the vibe was awesome, bands in the hotel bar until 2:30 jamming out songs, bouncing around from room to room and having a different person answer the door when security arrived, , dude semi-passed out in front of the elevator, getting off on each floor at 6:00 A.m , shouting out "metal is foreverrrrrr, 45 people in the room at one point, partying with 7 witches, flotsam, crimson, eforce and on and on. brainstorm kicked much ass looking forward to seeing them at prog, having cake wiht doro, being in the elevator with doro, (couldnt but help but think of a motley crue song at that point)being in the same city as doro,

Hey Mike Room 305 are you out there.....
for those that remember me, send me an email and let me know who you are....

I can go on and on (or did I just do that, well that wasnt even the half of it)

many thanks to bravewords ,the bands, the fans, garden hilton for a great weekend.....
Here is my review for Day 1....

Brave Words and Bloody Knuckles Six Pack Weekend II - The Odeon in Cleveland, Ohio - June 4-5, 2004

After seeing this festival the question lingers in my head... Is metal on it's way back in America or is it already back? With the recent popularity in America surrounding bands like Nevermore, Blind Guardian, Iced Earth, Dimmu Borgir, Children Of Bodom, Evergrey and countless others on top of what I witnessed in Cleveland this past weekend I would say metal is just about here. First of all being a Jersey boy and being exposed to festivals like the NJ Hardcore and Metal Fest and Jack Koshick's March Metal Meltdown's it was quite pleasant to witness a festival that didn't feature 900 generic death metal and hardcore bands playing with 5 or 6 really good bands worth seeing thrown in the mix. BWBK is quickly becoming a top festival here on this side of the Atlantic. It is a four night event but it's the final two nights that count the most and what the festival is based off. I did attend the pre party on the third witnessing Purgatory and Destructor. Purgatory was ok but lacking in the vocals department. I couldn't dig the lead singer at all and later learned he is the front man for the band Mushroomhead, go figure. Destructor was really really good playing an awesome style of power and thrash. Leaning more on the thrashy side musically and on the power metal side with chants and some choruses. The next night is what we all anxiously awaited and it finally came.

Lilitu opened up the festival and they were rather good. Reminded me a little of the band Beyond The Embrace. Had an older In Flames feel to them via Whoracle era but some modern vibes as well with clean vocals. Hey, I got it.. a mix of old and new In Flames. I did dig them though and they played very tightly. Good choice for an opening band.

Shadowkeep was next on the bill and I was looking foward to them. I have heard one of their songs on American radio once and their style of progressive power metal really hit me. I had been meaning to pick something up from them but never got around to it. The band went over very well live and had a nice following in attendance. Their set went by at a mild pace though they seemed to be on longer than I thought they would. I am now officially a fan of this band and look foward to picking up an album or two.

Next up was E Force which featured the ex Voivod singer. It was during this band that I made my way up to the front row against the guard rail which is where I remained the rest of the evening. I really got into these guys. They were definetly thrash metal. Rough vocals not quite death but just about there. Definetly some tunes to headbang to and I will end up getting the album.

Seven Witches was up and I am a huge fan of these guys. This is my third time seeing them in less than a year and they get better everytime. Jack Frost is a master of his craft and really shines on stage and has tons of fun. James Rivera is very dark and evil looking but also one hell of a frontman and really enjoys himself as well. They opened with "Dance With The Dead" and played an energy filled set. They debuted a new song called "Metal Asylum" which will be on the new album Year Of The Witch. Judging from the song it will be the year of the witch. During their last song "Mental Messiah" they incorporated "Victim Of Changes" by Judas Priest into it based around the part where Rob Halford delivers his legendary scream. Rivera hit it amazingly and they finished "Mental Messiah" to end their set. I later learned that new comers were so impressed with the Witches that they sold some 200 albums via vendors and all their t-shirts were completely sold out.

The amazing metal queen Doro took the stage and boy is she a site to look at. She just turned 40 and can pass for a 22 year old. I was not familair with her work except "Burning Witches" from the Warlock days and she has totally converted me as a new fan. The band is very heavy and Doro has such a good time up there. She had the crowd eating out of the palm of her hand and for me not knowing any of the songs I found myself singing along to many of them as they werent hard to learn and very cool. Doro's birthday was the night before and after her performance the BWBK staff presented her with a birthday cake and the whole crowd sang her happy birthday. A very metal moment.

Next on the bill was the band that many were there for and the reason why I had been hanging onto the guard rail for the last several hours without water. The almighty Grave Digger making their American debut after 23 years. You can feel the excitement running through the Odeon as they were setting up for the band. The time finally came and the intro from Rheingold known as "The Ring" hit the speakers as the crowd went nuts. Death walked out and over to his place on the keyboards. The band then took the stage opening with the track "Rheingold" and the crowd going absolutely insane. Grave Digger had arrived in America and I think they truly underestimated how many fans they have here. They were constantly smiling throughout their set and could not believe the reaction. It was a dream come true for me as they are one of my all time favorite bands and here I am front row for their first ever show in the USA. They ripped through 15 amazing tracks and I was so into them it seemed like time flew but I will never forget my front row experience for these legends. Their set included "Dark Of The Sun", "The Reaper", "Circle Of Witches", "Morgane Le Fay", "Son Of Evil", "The Grave Digger", "Scotland United", "Rebellion", "Knights Of The Cross", "Excalibur", "Witchunter", "Valhalla", "Lionheart", and "Heavy Metal Breakdown". AMAZING.

By the end of Grave Digger's set I was dehydrated and had no energy left. I had never heard Katatonia before but had no desire to stick around for them. Instead i chugged down two bottles of water and sat down next door for a nice cheese burger and potatoe wedges late night dinner. My report of Day 2 will be coming soon.
Great report Gravedigger! I love reading other people's experiences! And I hear you on the "metal is already here" thing...just look at the two festivals that are relatively infant and they are already kicking ass!
Thanks brother. Metal truly will be on top again, mark my words. It could take 5 maybe even 10 years before its truly dominant but it will be there I have faith it. The way I look at bands like Iced Earth, Blind Guardian, Edguy etc... is the way I look at Maiden, Priest, Rainbow etc in their early days and these bands are the next generation of the previous mentioned legends. Its sad to say but Iron Maiden and Judas Priest arent gonna tour forever and keep making records. The way things are shaping up it really looks as if these European power metal bands (some American) and alot of bands like Dimmu Borgir, Children of Bodom, Nevermore, and Arch Enemy will lead the torch of metal into the future.

We already have two major festivals being ProgPower and BWBK. Amazing tours have been shaping up as of late. Hell Iron Maiden even had Arch Enemy open their US dates this year and overseas they went out with bands like Gamma Ray and Sonata Arctica. Even they see these bands have it in them. Aside from the major fests the Evergrey/Children Of Bodom/Iced Earth tour was nothing short of amazing and shows that metal is here and just waiting to fully flood through the gates and run wild on us once again.
Interesting run down on the show, Personally I thought E Force played a nice set and I found the Seven Witches to be totally boring as did a few other people i hung around with.

As for Saturday Night I thought Flotsam and Jetsam sounded really good, Primal fear started out good, but after a while the songs sounded the same. To bad people left for Metal Church, they played an outstanding set, easily the best of the weekend in my opinion.

Overall it was a fun weekend, definately a lot of things to do in Cleveland, I took the family and we went to the museums Friday and the zoo saturday. I hope there's BWBK3 in the works.
Living in Wisconsin, BWBK and Ohio is much more closer than PP USA and Georgia. However, the BWBK lineups have never impressed me anywhere near the extent that the PP USA rosters have. I guess that is why I've attended the last two PP USA events and neither of the BWBK events. Perhaps BWBK needs time to grow more. Time will tell. Right now, BWBK just seems minor league compared to PP USA. Nothing against BWBK, just my opinion and a vote for Glenn's method to his successful madness.
The Fiddler said:
the BWBK lineups have never impressed me anywhere near the extent that the PP USA rosters have.
How could you not be impressed by Trouble, Candlemass, Nevermore, Evergrey, Falconer, Wolf, Kataklysm, Beyond The Embrace, Elegy et al...that was a dream lineup IMO.

BTW GRAVE can probably mark Running Wild off your list. Rumor has it they were asking more to play than all the bands combined. IE, they have no desire to play in the US.
The Fiddler said:
However, the BWBK lineups have never impressed me anywhere near the extent that the PP USA rosters have... Right now, BWBK just seems minor league compared to PP USA. Nothing against BWBK, just my opinion and a vote for Glenn's method to his successful madness.
I understand that it's your opinion...but c'mon...minor league???? Gravedigger, Trouble, Candlemass, Metal Church, Doro, Primal Fear is minor league???? Ah well, to each his own I say. Big PROPS from me to both BWBK and PP!:worship:
Minor league? There were more known bands on this bill (and bands not just known but in DEMAND to see) than there are/have been on the last 2 ProgPower shows. That's not a knock on ProgPower, it's just affirming that BWBK is nowhere NEAR minor league.
Heavenly Call said:
Ion Vein - :yow: Whoa! Totally impressed! Their CD is being ordered now...was out of money there and couldn't get it. Great prog metal! Would make a stellar addition to PP.
Something (possibly ProgPower I's lineup) tells me that Glenn is already well aware of their ProgPower potential and has been for nearly 5 years now...
Brush up on your progpower history , dude.

Heavenly Call said:
I understand that it's your opinion...but c'mon...minor league???? Gravedigger, Trouble, Candlemass, Metal Church, Doro, Primal Fear is minor league???? Ah well, to each his own I say. Big PROPS from me to both BWBK and PP!:worship:

While I don't disagree that those are good bands in their own right, IMO, they aren't of the same calibur or level of originality as Blind Guardian, Nightwish, Gamma Ray, Angra, Edguy, Symphony X, Kamelot, Vanden Plas, Balance of Power, Angel Dust, etc., At least on this board, new CDs from BWBK bands like Shok Paris, Lillitu, E-Force, Flawless, Katonia, Flotsam and Jetsam, Dismember, Gravedigger, Trouble, Candlemass, and Doro haven't generated anywhere as much anticipation and buzz from new releases by Nighwish, Angra, and all the other bands I mentioned above. I've never heard of those first 4 bands.
Se7enChurches said:
Something (possibly ProgPower I's lineup) tells me that Glenn is already well aware of their ProgPower potential and has been for nearly 5 years now...
Brush up on your progpower history , dude.

Just 'cause Glenn got them at PP1 (and I was well aware of that....dude) doesn't mean they wouldn't make a great addition to another progpower...especially with their new album sounding like it does. I had their EP that they were giving out at last years prog power but had no idea how good they were live, dude.