What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Dude I think you missed my sarcasm. I honestly don't want anyone to die, including that fucker currently in the White House. Now if he did get all blowed up by a grenade yesterday I wouldn't cry, but I wouldn't celebrate either because then Dick Cheney would be in charge. That last bit was sarcasm too, sorta (so was that ).Dark One said:Ok, this point of view I can understand even if I don't share it, no problem. You have every right to disagree vehemently with his administration and you have sound arguments to back your position. I just draw the line when you see someone who has "World Peace 2008" as their avatar and yet is disappointed that Bush wasn't killed in that faux grenade scare. I mean, if violence is used to support political agendas that you support, then all of a sudden it becomes acceptable?