Breaking Up...

J the TyranT said:
LMFAO @ Will... well thanks a lot man, awesome thing to say... hahahahaha...

DNB, I'd say something wiseassed, in that situation. So, that's my recommendation.

Something wiseassed? OF COURSE I said something wise assed! Who do you think I am?

I had so many wise assed comments.
Oh yeah, one of my other friends showed up during this run in.
My friend Vince goes to me " what is this guys name? "
I said " biff "
Vince, thinking I am serious goes " Nice to meet you BIFF "

I laughed for about 5 mins. :tickled:
*hugs for Sammey*

There are other fish in the sea, and whatnot. You're probobly better off without this guy, anyway, because YOU ROCK SAM!

Kinda weird, because I think I just got into the first "boyfriend/girlfriend" relationship I've been in since 7th grade (except you kinda have to replace "boyfriend" with "girlfriend":Smug: ) ... dunno how serious this will be, because said person has another person in a different school (that person's a male and I'm the female, so now she has a nice balence, lol), and we were friends way before this ... and she was the ex of my Christian emo kid fwb when I started crushing on him (therefore I wanted to kill her at that time) ... so I think this is just for kicks on both of our parts, but you never know what'll happen, I guess.

And I still can't kiss anyone because of my mouth ulcers! :yell:
::hugs:: I'm sorry to hear about your misfortune. Like Karen said.. all it takes is time. It may seem like you'll never be OK again, but you definitely will.

Be strong Sammey. I don't know you very well, but as far as I can tell, you seem pretty awesome. Any guy should be lucky to have you. Make sure you pick the right one when you are good and ready :)

Why is he the bad guy? I hate when people say the "other" person is an asshole because they don't want a relationship anymore.
NoLordy Capone said:
Why is he the bad guy? I hate when people say the "other" person is an asshole because they don't want a relationship anymore.
Well Cara and Jamie know what's going on, but out of respect I'm not going to post the details. I'm not perfect and I had my part in it, but ...ugh I'm not gonna say any more.

Oooo.... more hugs, it's an orgy!
I really can't say it's deserved then, still. But if you wish to remain silent, 'tis the best way.
See, many of the ladies in this town like to blame the "men" for all of their problems... and MTV doesn't help, so I become grouchy when men are blamed and reasons aren't given, so I do ask a favor. I'll ask that he not be insulted unless the reasons are given, because it in itself is disrespectful by causing a bias against someone we don't know personally. (This isn't to Samantha, it's to those who ARE tossing blame.)
Update: My apologies for being brash, Cara and Mr. Lizard man, I was just ensuring he got a fair trial first.
Hrm, I agree... my breakup had no bad parties... no fuckups, no mistake, no malice... just wasn't the time for all this shit.

Which is the weirdest fucking thing. It's like walking away from something for almost no reason. Like not finishing a movie or something... but not because the movie sucks, just cuz you're too busy to finish it. Does that even make sense?