Breathing Techniques for Vocals


Sep 11, 2002
Alright, well I have a pretty good handle on my sound; I've got the sound I want PLUS I can practice with my band hours on end and not have my throat hurt, and my voice comes back to me within 5-10 minutes. But I do have one major problem - whenever I am practicing for a long time, I start to get a massive headache due to the lack of oxygen or what have you. I'm sure you other vocalists have experienced what I'm describing, so what should I do to lessen the chances of the headache, and even exercises that would increase my lung capacity.

Any help is appreciated.:D
Yeah, I'm getting a headache too, not always but lots of times. I have noticed that I actually get it when I'm satisfying with my vocals, that is when I don't actually shout my guts out, but keep my voice controlled and clean at high notes. Whatever... I suppose that after hours of practice we'll get used to controll the thing in the best possible way and avoid the headache? Let's hope it'll actually get better with practice :)
I used to have those a long time ago, and fuck were they bad :mad: I couldn't sleep for almost a week because I started having awful headaches, not even a fuckin' tylenol could help me out :lol:
Well last practice with my band I decided to scream like hell, just experimenting with my vocals, and I didn't get a headache! AND my throat didn't hurt very much. So I'm thinking I'm going to stick with whatever I've been doing.