Breeding Death EP?

ive found dc++ to be the best by far, and well if you know how to use it mIRC is great too, just downloaded 45 minute sonata arctica concert off there, fuckin' brilliant
Bit Torrent is only good for getting games and movies, not so much for music.

Especially when you're kvlt and underground like myself.
ænimated said:
Bit Torrent is only good for getting games and movies, not so much for music.

Especially when you're kvlt and underground like myself.
BitTorrent is pretty good if you're getting complete discographies for a band, and there are a lot of seeders and peers. Otherwise, DC++ is the way to go, if not Soulseek.
Silent Song said:
i know what it is, because i used to use it. there's hardly a difference!

know where you should get your music? a record store. :Smug:

music downloading of the last five years or so has influnced about 95% of my CD purchases.
interesting statistic there. so if you bought 10 cds in your whole life, 9 of them would be from stuff you downloaded and then the 1000 other cds you own were just ripped. :tickled: or did you mean you bought 95% of what you own? that's much more respectable
after much thought ive come to the following conclusion.

MP3s are essential and necessary for one like myself to get into new bands or music in general, without wasting a ton of money on shots in the dark or most peoples retarded reviews (i.e. the new norther is great! or dimmu borgir is a good band)...anyway...i think an encrypted software component should be invented and put into mp3s so that they only last a certain period of time. Much like trial basis programs you can download and see how they work (paint shop pro, mcafee, photoshop, etc). This way, someone can download the material, see if they like it...but wont be able to keep it forever in that state. Forcing them to buy the album. "but what if they burn it before it expires?" you say? Well, they would also have an anti-burning component also attached, making them only useful for playing/ other use. "But what if you want MP3s from your already purchased CDs?" you say? Well, an alternative file format could be invented for just mp3s of this type, or perhaps a BETTER file type could be made for permanent styled music files.

Lots of litany involved, but really...everyone wins in a way. I know you MP3 pirate nazis might be bummed you have to buy the music of bands you like instead of that extra 12 pack of beer...but hopefully you all have the sense to make a logical decision like that. ;)
For like at least a year Soulseek was kinda failing for me...but as of the past 6 months or so, I've seriously been able to get anything I wanted. Like anything. So I'm just fine with Soulseek right now.
Silent Song said:
interesting statistic there.
yes, it is a very interesting statistic. that's quite a grasp you've got on the obvious, dolt.
Silent Song said:
so if you bought 10 cds in your whole life, 9 of them would be from stuff you downloaded
it's nice to see that you've managed to pass 4th grade math. for the record, I own between 45-50 CDs, all of which are original non-burnt copies (albeit one Pitchshifter CD is a re-issue), some purchased from stores, some traded, and some bought previously owned on eBay.
Silent Song said:
and then the 1000 other cds you own were just ripped.
"ripped"? and here I thought that, in computer terms, to "rip" something means to copy it off of a CD and save it to your computer as a file. the only burnt CDs I own are a total of 44 mix CDs and I'm working on the track lay-out for a 45th one soon. I make a couple of new ones every month or so. the fact that they're mix CDs and not full albums makes owning them perfectly legal, even if the means to acquire the content on them was not entirely so. I choose not to own burnt versions of entire albums, probably because I'm such a compulsive perfectionist and need the original artwork of the inserts and the original, best quality of the songs (1141 kbps, which is only attainable if you're listening to something directly from a CD and not as an mp3, no matter how high the mp3's quality may be, it still isn't quite as good).
Silent Song said:
lookin' just like ditzy a school girl there
Silent Song said:
or did you mean you bought 95% of what you own?
well, I once bought a Stone Sour CD from a friend (who had stolen it) that only had the booklet and CD. yes, I knew that I was "receiving stolen property," so I felt guilty and the fact that it was EDITED made me want to get rid of it all the more and go out and buy a used, unedited version (for $6.95 before tax) at a music/book store around here called Hastings, which I eventually did.
Silent Song said:
that's much more respectable
yes, it is. again - a great grasp on the obvious. you'll go real far in life with that kind of uninformed pretentiousness.
all right, unlike Silent Song, this guy wasn't trying to be cute, so I'll spare him my chestbeating and (most of) my ego, but I will, however, still butcher his post into little bitty pieces so I can fully address each bit.
NineFeetUnderground said:
after much thought ive come to the following conclusion.

MP3s are essential and necessary for one like myself to get into new bands or music in general, without wasting a ton of money on shots in the dark or most peoples retarded reviews
I think you'll find, if you look hard enough on the internet, that a lot of very small bands who sometimes don't even have a record deal yet (Tears Of Rage, for instance) actually LIKE the idea of mp3 trading because it's an easy way to get their music circulated and promoted amongst those who appreciate the underground scene.
(i.e. the new norther is great! or dimmu borgir is a good band)
I've been into Dimmu Borgir for about the past two years after hearing "Progenies of the Great Apocalypse" on a satellite music channel at a friend's house. I now celebrate their entire career, except for that pile of crap that they released in conjunction with Old Man's Child, who are, despite their protests otherwise, unoriginal.
I've never heard of Norther.
...anyway...i think an encrypted software component
woah, hold it. stop right there. an ENCRYPTED software component? like that would make a damn bit of difference? unless the encryption service is funded by the U.S. Government itself, then I can guarantee you that it won't be that hard to break right through.
should be invented and put into mp3s so that they only last a certain period of time. Much like trial basis programs you can download and see how they work (paint shop pro, mcafee, photoshop, etc). This way, someone can download the material, see if they like it...
yeah, like I said, if the encryption is broken through, it only takes about 10 seconds of typing to insert a line of code that will "freeze the clock" so to speak, thus extending the "trial" indefinitely
but wont be able to keep it forever in that state. Forcing them to buy the album.
let me tell you a story. 3-4 years ago I saw a snippet (and I DO mean a SNIPPET) of a concert on TV that didn't really stand out since the volume was all the way down, but they seemed to be showing the name of each song as it came on. I saw the title "Melt Me Down" on the screen and paid no mind to it and turned the TV off. two years later, I was desperate for some new music, so I searched on an early version of kazaa for that song title and came up with the band Pressure 4-5. a little over a year ago, I finally got around to FINDING the CD it's off of, Burning The Process, and bought it at Best Buy. if I like a group on mp3, then I make absolutely sure I buy their album at SOME POINT in the future, so I don't think that'd be too fair to people like me who can't find an album in whatever time was alotted.
"but what if they burn it before it expires?" you say? Well, they would also have an anti-burning component also attached,
again, all it needs is some good cracking
making them only useful for playing/ other use. "But what if you want MP3s from your already purchased CDs?" you say? Well, an alternative file format could be invented for just mp3s of this type, or perhaps a BETTER file type could be made for permanent styled music files.
do some research on the file format "OGG". you'll probably like what you find.
Lots of litany involved, but really...everyone wins in a way.
not really. the band would still be getting the short end of the stick. think about it some.
I know you MP3 pirate nazis might be bummed you have to buy the music of bands you like instead of that extra 12 pack of beer
I don't drink and I don't exterminate Jews
...but hopefully you all have the sense to make a logical decision like that. ;)
no closing comment.
ryan1987online said:
I own between 45-50 CDs, all of which are original non-burnt copies (albeit one Pitchshifter CD is a re-issue), some purchased from stores, some traded, and some bought previously owned on eBay.

the only burnt CDs I own are a total of 44 mix CDs and I'm working on the track lay-out for a 45th one soon. I make a couple of new ones every month or so. the fact that they're mix CDs and not full albums makes owning them perfectly legal, even if the means to acquire the content on them was not entirely so.
congratulations! you just debated with a joke.

and in case you didn't get it, here's how it is. half of your current musical collection is "burnt" aka not bought. so i take back what i said about being respectable :p

if you'd like to continue calling me a dolt and master of the obvious, here's something obvious: i own about 1200 CDs, and the vast majority of them are purchased with my compulsive music addicted money.

you're preachin to the choir and taking it under the table.
Master of the Obvious.

since Dolt and Master of the Obvious don't seem to offend you, that'll be what I call you from now on, since no one can hear a song that's silent. it seems catchier do you understand the concept of a mixed fucking CD? it's legal.
and what exactly am I taking under the table? a fuck? that's what people would be expecting, but I have my legs crossed. an "astronomy graduate" such as yourself should be able to pick up on that much. you ought to pawn some of those CDs from your massive collection and get some money for a 'piece' to paint the walls with your overeducated brain. these last few posts were started with a misconception.
what i find ironic about you is you don't even debate. you get straight to the insults.

my first reply was a joke that you took offense at and replied with a poorly constructed argument. so i pointed that out. and your insults to NFU were just as lame. now you're back, ignorant as always.

first off, i'm not an astronomy graduate. i'm not even a graduate. as of tomorrow i'll be a 3rd year student in Electrical and Audio Engineering. and yes, i don't mind your insults. they are empty.

since i am Master of the Obvious, may i point out that its obvious that you're online, and that negates the last 6 letters of your username. by hitting your profile, i could probably find out where the 1987 comes from, rendering that also useless and obvious. so state i, Master of the Obvious. you my friend, are master of nothing but ignorant foolishness, slinging insults on the internet to make yourself feel better about your existence despite the hypocritical nature of your own intent.
ryan...even though your technical and computer knowledge is probably quite impressive in certain elite chess team means very little to me. I wasnt about to go copywriting my ideas. Just a rough outline of a possible solution to the MP3 war in the music industry, based on my modest knowledge of Mp3 technical workings and mostly on the political and economical issues surrounding it. Im sure tears of rage is the greatest band ever, and are furthermore even more astounding by putting snippets on their website, as do many other bands...but im afraid often times thats not enough to know if a band is worth buying. Sometimes its more than enough obviously. Either way, i appreciate you taking more time to dissect my post than it originally took to think up and write the original thread topic post itself, but needless to dont have all the answers either. I was simply trying to create positive conversation for this controversial topic.

and for the record....anyone who got INTO dimmu borgir due to hearing progenies, let alone celebrates their whole career...obviously doesnt have all their shit together. no offense. ;)
NineFeetUnderground said:
anyone who got INTO dimmu borgir due to hearing progenies, let alone celebrates their whole career...obviously doesnt have all their shit together. no offense. ;)
I celebrate their whole career, meaning I'm into their every album. they were finally promoted enough for me pick up on them on my "musical radar" when that 2003 single came out. I have my shit together.
the same goes for tool, which have gotten enormously popular in the last 6 years or so. I got into them when they finally got big enough to have "schism" played on the radio a bunch, and that's how I heard about them and now own all four albums and am working on finding Salival DVD & CD set.
also, the same for Katatonia when I heard "ghost of the sun" on the same satellite channel as dimmu borgir, also the same for opeth, when I heard "deliverance" on that channel.
but were you meaning to split hairs because I used the word "into"? did you think I meant that I became a member of their band??? it's slang.
as long as a bands entire discography is celebrated, I don't think it matters if I got into them when a song of their finally became popular. I don't care about being a veteran of a band or anything like that to show that I was an original gangster of a group (again, slang) or "cool" and "appreciative" enough to know about them when they were underground. there are some who'd call me a poser for it all, but I don't think anyone on this thread or even the whole forum is that shallow
and yeah, I'm not trying to ignore silent song's post. I'm now officially a flamer, it seems, so I've updated my status message beneath my username accordingly