Bring back segregation!


God To The Godless
Nov 3, 2002
Who else thinks that black people should have their own movie theaters? That way whenever they feel like talking loudly at the people on screen or whatnot, they won't be bothering any of us white folks who are considerate enough to keep our comments to ourselves.

...other than that, I thought that 'Dawn of the Dead' was great, popcorn-flick fun!
You're retarded. Segregation is bad.

And a lot of white people are fuckin idiots, as for Black, Yellow, Red and Green ones (if there's any).

You racist fag...
Who else thinks that black people should have their own movie theaters? That way whenever they feel like talking loudly at the people on screen or whatnot, they won't be bothering any of us white folks who are considerate enough to keep our comments to ourselves.

Hahaha. I heartily concur, the only predicament being that no distributor in their right mind would be willing to build a theater solely for blacks. I have a more reasonable and efficient solution, however. Retain your dignity and avoid watching cheesy horror-flicks.

Besides, a good white man's hard-earned money is better spent elsewhere.
Edgecrusher said:
Who else thinks that black people should have their own movie theaters? That way whenever they feel like talking loudly at the people on screen or whatnot, they won't be bothering any of us white folks who are considerate enough to keep our comments to ourselves.

...other than that, I thought that 'Dawn of the Dead' was great, popcorn-flick fun!

i hate all people ardently who talk in cinemas , blacks, whites whatever. i think the theathers should hire some hefty janitors that could throw people out if they're beeing loud and talky. people talking to the characters in the flick should be banned from that theatre for all eternity though. luckily the problem doesn't exist here in sweden which i'm very grateful for.
Saying something thoughtless towards black people like that is just ignorance. I'm not black but I'm just saying that not all black people talk in movie theaters. Trust me, there a lot of insensitive people out there who think they're the only one's in the movie theater and they're of practically every nationality, so don't be too quick to judge.

One thing that bugs me besides people talking in movie theaters is people resting their feet up against my seat. That's just rude! I don't pay $14 to watch a movie to be disrespected like that. :mad:
Magic Johnson has a number of movie theaters built only in all black areas.

As for the segregation comment, generally the content of the movies themselves act to segregate. If i go to a intelligent movie like eternal sunshine or mystic river and there are not a hell of alot of kids, wiggers, or blacks in the movie theater. Now if i go to see a action movie, the cross section changes, but who cares?

I cant say in my heart i dont disagree with you though, i have thought the same thing many times, as much as I wish i didnt, the popular movies I do sometimes see are ruined by a bunch of wiggers acting cool, or blacks, or a family of hillbillies, or the fat man in front of you who wont stop talking, where does the segegation stop though? Its a slippery slope.

You are definately a Cincinnatian. I take it a west sider. I am a west sider, and I would have to say 99% of white people on the west side share these ideas, and its not as if they are not totally warranted, but it is a little disgraceful how racist our city is.
Okay you racially sensitive honkeys!!!

From now on I shall type SARCASM in big fucking letters just to let you guys in on the joke!

How come when a white person makes jokes about blacks, it's racism. But when a black person makes jokes about blacks, or even white people (**cough** Dave Chappelle, **cough** Chris Rock) it's considered comedy?

I JUST DON'T GET IT! let's all go find a nice white woman to make love to!
Ha, I fell for it.
Well it may be sarcasm but i think we have all experienced this problem watching a movie, and from this post you have too. The problem with racial jokes on this board are there are a number of real actual nazis that post here.
My (white) history teacher hates the KKK with a passion, yet has absolutely no problem with the Black Panthers. :guh:

There are many blacks at my school and I can count the ones that are not loud and obnoxious on one hand. Of course there are plenty of the "normal suburban" annoying white kids as well so humm.

And if some one were to give a "Caucasian Only" scholarship everyone would shit themselves, yet there are strictly hispanic and negro scholarships. :err:

And a mexican kid on her binder had written "Mexican Pride." If a white kid were to do this all hell would break loose.

And how come if a white commits a crime to a black it's automatically a hate crime, but this isn't the way it is if a black does something to a white?
Caelum Adustum said:
My (white) history teacher hates the KKK with a passion, yet has absolutely no problem with the Black Panthers. :guh:

There are many blacks at my school and I can count the ones that are not loud and obnoxious on one hand. Of course there are plenty of the "normal suburban" annoying white kids as well so humm.

And if some one were to give a "Caucasian Only" scholarship everyone would shit themselves, yet there are strictly hispanic and negro scholarships. :err:

And a mexican kid on her binder had written "Mexican Pride." If a white kid were to do this all hell would break loose.

And how come if a white commits a crime to a black it's automatically a hate crime, but this isn't the way it is if a black does something to a white?

Because the level of sycophancy in the white establishment is disgusting. It's like that here in Britain too. The morons in the National Front and British National Party (Fascists and Ethnonationalists) are rightfully condemned, and yet Islamic fudamentalist fascist groups like Al-Mujaroun are given space because it's Un-PC to "meddle in someone else's culture". Similarily, the laws on racially motivated violence are known to be applied inconsistantly - racist violence against whites doesnt count. And the entire concept of 'positive discrimination' makes my blood boil.
Now why is it controversial to want equality and secularism? As far as i'm concened, if these British Islamic extremists don't like liberal democracies, then they can go and live in Saudi Arabia, where Pakistani immigrants are treated like slave labour.
i agree that segregation is bad and shit

but having said that they oughta keep em out of resteraunts too. i used to work at this resteraunt and a church full of big fat black bitches walks right in from church and literally bought almost all of the food the resteraunt had. and this is a big fucking resteraunt in a large city too and they have reserves in case something like this happens but goddamn they almost wiped out the reserves and almost shut down the resteraunt. as if the resteraunt wouldnt have been shut down after the stunk it up so bad anyways. and thats saying a lot too because theres not a small number of cubic feet in that room either. needless to say the mexicans who worked there fucking hated it too.
I hardly go to theaters anymore because of the noise, no matter who's making it. I can't stand background noise when I'm watching a movie and few things set me off quicker than a phone ringing and worse, the person answers it and starts talking. I think ushers should patrol and bounce people who are creating distractions. Of course, the person(s) being bounced will argue and create a larger distraction, but this is where the taser comes in...
its pretty bad here, ive gotten to the point where i dont care a bit to turn around and motion the guy forward and whisper in his ear "if you dont shut your mouth you are going to have a much bigger problem than whether or not the girl in this horror movie makes the classic mistake of going upstairs while shes being chased. now shut up or be shut up", or something to that effect. im not a big guy but i can make a menacing voice when i need to and most people have never been physically threatened over it so they think youre crazy and shut up or move haha.