Opeth forum - We can bring it back

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Nov 13, 2002
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RR may have closed down the Opeth forum due to leaks or whatever bullshit they want to justify it with, but that doesn't mean they can stop us from talking about Opeth. As most of you know, UM hosts forums for $80 a year and rents them to bands, labels, sites, and fans as well. Instead of letting the Opeth forum die, how about we rent one of our own dedicated to the band? If we rent it ourselves, we won't have any admins closing threads, or have to answer to RR if posts of a questionable nature arise. Any takers? If we get a bunch of people to donate, $80 is next to nothing. I'll start by donating $10, post here if you're willing to donate to get the forum back.
LFAJ is in the process of registering a domain for a new forum. I really hope that the official forums open back up on day, because it was always awesome when Mike posted. That's what I would miss the most, I think.
this really sucks

even though all the crybaby idiots will scoff at how immature and crappy the forum got and how its demise was deserved, it was still a place where (if you weren't a dumb cunt) you could ignore the stupidity and actually get some good information or discussion happening.
I'd rather pool money for a forum for a band I'm more interested in if that were to happen, which it won't, sorry.
OH......I see what this is......

It's not exactly an abnormal thing to close the band forum until the release date if things are getting "out of hand" from the point of view of the people running the forum. Dream Theater did it with 'Octavarium' also. They just didn't want to hear people tell them how shit it was though.....:D
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