Brisbane-cheap accomodation?


Jun 11, 2001
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Hello Brisbane members!!!
does anyone know of any cheap accomodation in Brisbane?
As part of my Easter East coast tour(Port Macquarie-Byron Bay-Sunshine Coast-Brisbane-Gold Coast-Port Macquarie-Sydney) i intend to be in in Brisbane on Fri 5th and Sat 6th April and am currently looking for somewhere to stay.

By the way(probably a bit early yet,but does anyone know of any gigs or sporting events on that weekend?)
don't mind backpackers places.... i am doing Bryon Bay and Gold Coast in luxury so i really need to do Port Macqarie,Sunshine Coast and Brisabane as cheap as possible(already worked out Port Macquaire and Sunshine Coast...Brisbane is the last one i need to sort out)
There's also a big backpackers place in the middle of the city, up the road from the Queen St Mall. Can't remember the name offhand tho...
There's one right across the road from Central Station. I think that's the main one - Palace Backpackers, it might be called. As Mark said, there's plenty around Roma St as that's where the Transit Centre is. There's a YHA at the top of Roma St.
Just out of curiosity (and we'd have to figure it out sooner or later anyway), if we rocked up to Bris. with a van full of gear and were looking for somewhere damn cheap to say that's relatively secure, has anyone got any suggestions and rough prices?
From what I understand, if they were real rock stars it wouldn't be the morning....

Not that waking up in the evening would make the sight any better, mind you.
Originally posted by Lord Tim
Just out of curiosity (and we'd have to figure it out sooner or later anyway), if we rocked up to Bris. with a van full of gear and were looking for somewhere damn cheap to say that's relatively secure, has anyone got any suggestions and rough prices?

Sleep in the van you wimps! That would be SO rock! :rock: :D
I went up to Byron Bay for New Years, it was awesome. We camped at a camping site there, but my genius cousin, who told me there was no need to bring my tent because he would bring his spare one (which is much better quality) forgot to bring it with him. It didn't matter much, my car proved to be adequate enough for sleeping!
Originally posted by Moon Child
God I hope you guys know I'm joking! Imagine waking up in the morning with a lounge room full of long-haired rock stars lying all over the place?!

I'd be too scared to do that! I'm sure Karl would beat the hell out of us if he found us in *his* lounge room in the morning! HAHA!
Originally posted by Lord Tim

Man, NEVER do that! I did that on New Years Eve 2000/2001 when we played in Melbourne... never again! My back!! And it was soo hot! Ugh!

In that case, I do declare Dungeon to officially be.......... SO rock! :rock: