Britney Spears Cover


New Metal Member
Nov 19, 2006
The capital of Denmark.
Hi, does anyone know what Childen of Bodom are saying in finnish in their version of Britney Spears' "Oops I did it again"? They say something in the beginning and in the middle, right? Would someone like to translate?? :) thank you.
It's already been done... search around, they (Janne and Alexi) are talking about beer or something, I don't recall it word for word. Hell... try googling it prolly find it. :) Here I'll do it for you:

[Alexi Laiho and Janne Warman speakin' finnish - here is an english translation]
Alexi: "Hey guys, I will really go now..."
Janne: "Before you leave, look what I brought for you!"
Alexi: "Goddammit, looking good, isn't this a...?"
Janne: "Yeah yeah, sixpack yes."
Alexi: "Ohh, this wasn't necessary my friend... and besides, we are having some hooch here..."
Janne: "I know, but this is for tomorrow morning!"

Happy ? :)
Heartless posted the interlude. The intro:

He sings a part of the chorus of the song then says a strong Finnish swear word.


Yeah, that's it.