Brocas Helm are here to kick your collective asses!

I didn't see this thread last night/this morning, I'm downloading it right now.

This is alright. Lots of Maiden worship.
It's not really Maiden. More Slough Feg - listen to the verses. I mean, just swap the vocals for Scalzi and you've got it. I live for this stuff.....

Well, I'm going to listen to this... After these few "Character" tracks... Can't Dark Tranquillity ever start sucking so I don't have to bother with Gothenburg metal anymore? :)
Gosh, with all my gay ranting about melo-death, the new Dark Tranquillity is outstanding (from what I've heard of it). Track #1 (with those blastbeats) had me sliding off my chair like a big tub of vibrating jelly.

Put it this way, so far, the new DT is better than Damage Done, that's for sure.
Yeah, I mean it's got the RIFFS again, and solos too, how much does that rule? Also it has cool production with nice bite and just basically... more solid than pretty much anything since "Projector."
I heard some Slough Feg in there too, but not exactly the same. Slough Feg = more rhythm. I finally burned Traveller to listen to in the car today.. pretty kick-ass! I like how they changed the sound to suit the different lyrical theme
I got laughed at by my ex-chick while listening to Blind Guardian once, I think she called it gay. So I knocked her fucking teeth out. :mad:

i'm joking of course, violence against women is only funny if make believe, in which case it rules
You're lucky you're a GIRL so I can't hit you.

Either way yeah, BG is pretty gay, but Nightfall in Middle Earth totally rocks.
One Inch Man said:
I got laughed at by my ex-chick while listening to Blind Guardian once, I think she called it gay.

You fucking deserved that for listening to BG. Hansi's vocals ruin it for me every time I try.

On the other hand, when my girlfriend laughed at me for listening to Unicorn, she deserved to be thrown out of the car without me even slowing down.
I had a girlfriend once who took my Slayer - Reign in Blood out of the tape deck and chucked it out the window. It took everything I had not to straight-arm her face right through the fucking passenger-side window. Needless to say, she got out of the car and picked it back up but it was fucked up.

That bitch was something else.