"Bruce Dickinson Tried to Ruin Ozzfest.."


Metal addict
Sep 13, 2002
Read this article from blabbermouth http://www.roadrun.com/blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=40717

It's a statement from Sharon Ozzbourne, being obviously pissed off about Bruce Dickinson. I guess he didn't behave very well at Ozzfest then, but as he offended them by waving the Union Jack??? I mean oh my god, americans can be so fed up with them selves. He used the flag at every european gig as well! The Trooper is about the first WW and a british battle? And aren't Maiden from Britain as well? (yeah I know they are)

It also offended me every night how he took out the English flag in America. There are American boys going to war alongside the English boys every day. How dare he forget the American troops on their home turf?

I'm almost surprised she didn't mention fighting for freedom and liberty and all that bs.
Like Bruce would be waving the american flag when singing the trooper? that's illogical.

They've also deleted photos of Bruce on ozzfest.com, one with him waving the Union Jack.

What the f**k is wrong with people!Why is against the law to be proud to be british.The pics of Bruce waving the flag and singing the trooper are great and make me proud that he is waving the flag of our country around the world.Tell you what Bruce next gig in America wave the Iraqi flag,i bet that would really go down like a shit sandwich.
Twisted Tony said:
I had no problem with the Union Jack being displayed. It's all part of the show. Bruce has been kind of an asshole lately.

To be fair I have met Maiden the once, for a signing session at the Manchester Apollo, the whole band signed To Andy, Best wishes etc. where I wanted it signed except Bruce. All the band where happy to chat but sadly Bruce did come over rather "Aloof" that sadly seems to be his way, but none the less waving a Union Jack for goodness sake, Sharon Osbourne wake up smell the coffee.

Mind you as an after thought perhaps her anger is directed to the whole band for having the cheek to call one of their albums the "X Factor" (and it had a cr@p cover) when thats the title for her latest cr@ppy reality t.v show years before the t.v show was thought of..................... the cheek of it ! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Funny i been reading a few reviews of the ozzfest tour and all i have red has been maiden playing a shithot 60 minute set.Maybe just maybe they have the mighty sabs on the back foot.Now that would piss off the mighty shazza.
WILKS said:
Funny i been reading a few reviews of the ozzfest tour and all i have red has been maiden playing a shithot 60 minute set.Maybe just maybe they have the mighty sabs on the back foot.Now that would piss off the mighty shazza.

Thats a good point, I have also read some really positive reviews of the Maiden set and it would be no problem for the mighty 'Maiden' to blow the decaying, decrepid, boring as shit and flogging a dead horse 'Black Sabbath' off the stage.
I know what i am gonna do now.

I'm gonna go to the X- Factor audition do my version of "The Trooper" then proceed to stick the Union Jack up someones @#%& :D
Theres a pretty big thread at the old school section about the last show of the tour where Sharons staff were very unproffesional by ,of all things, unplugging the sound system several times and having members of the Ozzy crew throwing eggs at the maiden boys. way to carry yourself off as a true professional in the music business Sharon
(See the quote attributed to Mrs Osbourne). She ought to get her facts right. The Union Jack ain't the English flag.

Perhaps Ozzy should bite her head off!!

Crusader said:
Read this article from blabbermouth http://www.roadrun.com/blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=40717

It's a statement from Sharon Ozzbourne, being obviously pissed off about Bruce Dickinson. I guess he didn't behave very well at Ozzfest then, but as he offended them by waving the Union Jack??? I mean oh my god, americans can be so fed up with them selves. He used the flag at every european gig as well! The Trooper is about the first WW and a british battle? And aren't Maiden from Britain as well? (yeah I know they are)

I'm almost surprised she didn't mention fighting for freedom and liberty and all that bs.
Like Bruce would be waving the american flag when singing the trooper? that's illogical.

They've also deleted photos of Bruce on ozzfest.com, one with him waving the Union Jack.

OI no to dissing the sabs i saw the at milton keynes a few years ago and they blew all the other bands off stage.Maiden are great but the first 6 sabs albums piss all over most past present and future.Sharon is a great woman and men hate because she has more balls than most men i know.
I've only read a few bits and pieces about this fiasco but I think as far as throwing eggs and unplugging stuff goes, that is just a wee bit too childish and lame isn't it. If things don't go Sharon's way well she goes off on one and goes into the biggest cream puff ever!!!! I just canny stand that hag and if I see that Asda advert one more time, I fear I may have to stick an axe through my box (tv). Her voice goes right through me, it's like nails being drawn down a blackboard but only fourty thousand times worse. Yes whoever on here said Ozzy should bite the old bat's head off - well hell yes go for it Ozzy!!!!!!

BTW is anybody on here going to see Maiden on 2nd September at Hammersmith Apollo???

I'm going to stick on my all time favourite Sabbath song right now, I've been singing it all day but haven't heard it for ages, so I must hear it right now.
WILKS said:
the first 6 sabs albums piss all over most past present and future.

Lmao ! thats funny!!!
Seriously though i do respect your opinion mate. It was just after seeing Ozzy myself in '96 after being such a long time fan, i was so dissapointed with his god awful vocals, and his staggering around the stage like a zombie didnt really inspire me to 'get fuckin crazy' and basically ive disliked him ever since and just feel Sabbath are far to overated in thier legend status...The first 6 sabs albums were along time ago....Look at bands like Saxon and Priest they still know now how to get the job done 1000% in the studio and live.....!!!!1!one.

Anyway i dont mean any offence, just my opinion k!
I think this sums it up rather nicely lol:-

What you have to remember is ozzy and sabs invented this music we love so much.As for maiden priest and saxon i have seen shit gigs by all(except priest) and all of of them have recored albums that are a crock of shit.As for all this egg chucking shit i think a lot of bands play pranks like this on the end of a tour.I am sure itall abit of fun.And dont worry bout offending me its a cool debate.