"Bruce Dickinson Tried to Ruin Ozzfest.."

There's only one problem here Wilks, Sharon 'Feckin' Osbourne!! Ozzy, Toni Iommi, they're not in charge of any of this Ozzfest or Sabbath stuff, SHE is and that's were the problem lies, she wants to be the Queen of rock but she's just a bitch and these god-damn reality shows!!! I used to go to Ozzy gigs, nebver missed him, but once this Osbournes farce started never went back or bought a record, SHE made him do that show for money, all it did was show Ozzzy as a bumbling idiot who did'nt know wether he was coming or going.
any metal head should know sharon been destoying ozzy years now and with the mighty maiden stealing the show everynight and them leaving bruce saying negative things was as he always says at concert and the flag thing been goping on for years its all over the net sharon organized a sabatoge of maiden set planted her crew in the pit to though eggs lighters and bottles at maiden shut power off 4 times during songs delayed eddie had a guy screaming ozzy first and last of there set and the guy with american flag was big dave who works for ozzy and annoses the bands and he didn't do maiden then sharon came on the stage half praise maiden and said bruse was a prink and said those fake ass remarks about the mighty maiden im a danm good fan of maiden saxon and priest but maiden than saxon are my favorite and disrespect my band thats diss me saxon fans need know the facts and stand up with maiden fans and erase the sharon from the metal because she destroying ozzy and real metal not only disrepecting metal legends im american metal head and say up the irons long live metal rock on saxon and great metal fans all over the world.....
crimsonking said:
saxon fans need know the facts and stand up with maiden fans

Mate, i know the facts, i have been listening to a recording of "that" concert almost all night and i stand with Maiden fans because i am one! Im sick to death of ozzy and sabbath thinking they can still own because of what they once were!

And i know what your saying wilks mate, but to me, my memories and my experiences, its just like a media illusion based on nostalgia, im pretty sure that without sabbath, metal creativity (just like life) would of found a way. And if im wrong, thats ok.. because in my opinion sabbath have not done jack shit worth listening to for so long that it just does not matter eitherway!

:rock:UP THE IRONS :rock:

There's a lot of articles on blabbermouth now, you can pick and choose here http://www.roadrun.com/blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Search&searchtext=ozzfest

"Steve Harris With Egg" (see shoulder and arm)
The thing that really gets to me about this Bruce-Sharon debacle... and forgive me for flogging a dead horse here... is that she overlooked one rather important fact: both she and Ozzy are English! Granted, they live in L.A. now, but that's no reason to play the 'I'm a Big, Bad American With A Chip On My Shoulder' card.
I'm an American, and I find the jingoistic mentality of some of my countrymen both disturbing and fucking annoying. "If you don't like it here, you can get the fuck out", they insist on saying. Well, if only it were that easy... :rolleyes:

Bruce is welcome to wave the Union Jack wherever he pleases. And he WAS largely dead-on with his recent comments... why on earth, my fellow American metallers, would you deny this? Our country IS becoming Wal-Martised, and corporate bullshit (not least the Ozzfest!) does indeed suck; there IS a certain smugness present amongst some Maiden fans down the front... they've grown gluttonous and expectant, rather than possessed of the celebratory metal spirit... I thought it was our duty as metalheads and free thinkers to oppose the mindless Joe Average mentality... :hypno: ?
I saw ozzfest in chicago, maiden was the only reaon i went. Just like priest blew away sabbath last year, maiden were phenomenal this year. Bruce does need to lighten up somehwat, every time i see them play he gets pissed about something. Needs better drugs i guess. If anything though, Sharon should have been thankful for maiden saving the day many times. Ozzy cancelled 3 out of 4 ozzfest deates around the chicago one, maiden played longer sets and were the headliners. in chicago they were only supposed to play 60 but played about 75 minutes. sabbath was supposed to play 90 minutes but played an hour tops and 10 minutes of it was a guitar solo by tony iomni during dirty women. Ozzy was having a hard time hitting the notes and seemed bewildered. most of the crowd just kind of looked on with sadness how the prince of darkness had sunk so low. oh yea, check out my radio show monday night 7-9 pm central in the states at www.wqna.org. You will be sure to hear some maiden, some saxon, some priest and some good old fashioned sharon osbourne bashing.
Steven said:
The thing that really gets to me about this Bruce-Sharon debacle... and forgive me for flogging a dead horse here... is that she overlooked one rather important fact: both she and Ozzy are English! Granted, they live in L.A. now, but that's no reason to play the 'I'm a Big, Bad American With A Chip On My Shoulder' card.
I'm an American, and I find the jingoistic mentality of some of my countrymen both disturbing and fucking annoying. "If you don't like it here, you can get the fuck out", they insist on saying. Well, if only it were that easy... :rolleyes:

Bruce is welcome to wave the Union Jack wherever he pleases. And he WAS largely dead-on with his recent comments... why on earth, my fellow American metallers, would you deny this? Our country IS becoming Wal-Martised, and corporate bullshit (not least the Ozzfest!) does indeed suck; there IS a certain smugness present amongst some Maiden fans down the front... they've grown gluttonous and expectant, rather than possessed of the celebratory metal spirit... I thought it was our duty as metalheads and free thinkers to oppose the mindless Joe Average mentality... :hypno: ?

Thats a really interesting post steven, and im sure you had much more to say and i would be interested in hearing it. Im not american but my stepmother is and while she has lived here the last 10 years she puts over this big american attitute thing which just embarasses people really, it is a kind of smugness that no one can relate to, i like what you say about being a metalhead (obviously in the US) and from what i heard from the bootleg of 'that gig' the American crowd were fuckin loving teh Maiden!!! I think with Ozzy and sharon, the way they are behaving, they are not only cocksucking 2 the corporate but also they think they are better than the metal fans in America in some way, i dunno, but which ever way you look at it they insulted Maiden yeah, but they also insulted Metal wherever it may roam!!!

Sorry if the post is not the most sensical, its my birthday and thus, im fucking hammered! Good post though, il read it again and prolly edit all that!