Bruce Dickinson's Solo stuff...

I have Accident of Birth and Chemical Wedding and I think they are both great! Definitely worth getting. Besides, Bruce has a pretty amazing voice!
I have Tattoed Millionaire, Balls To Picasso, AccidentOf Birth, Chemical Wedding and the Best Of.

TM is just what Mark said, brainless hard rock with suitably brainless lyrics. The album was made for the fun of it and it shows. It's good if you like AC/DC style hard rock and don't take it too seriously.

BTP is different. It's got some fine tracks (Tears Of The Dragon, Shoot All The Clowns) and few that are bit harder to get into. It has got quite a bit of versatility, so I think it's better to listen to it yourself instead of believing anything that anyone else says about it, really.

AoB is pure heavy metal. Apart from the mellow tracks which there are quite a few. Good album all in all.

CW is even more of pure metal than AoB. Less of those "wimpy" :p ballads and more very heavy metal. Although it has some boring points, I think it's very solid album and the best that Bruno has got to offer.

The Best of is... Well, it lacks few songs that I think shoud've been on it, and has few tracks I think should not have been on it. But the 2cd version cover up the flaws on disc 1 quite good.

Just my 2 cents. :)
:wave: I have pretty much every solo album. At times I like it better than IM; depends on what mood I'm in. All the albums are awesome, but I don't think the Best of album is a good representation of all the albums. Most of my favs didn't make it to the Best of.
Bruce's albums are on my short rotation list, and I still listen to them fairly regularly.

Skunkworks and The Chemical Wedding are the Bruce albums that get the most play in my CD player these days. Each album has a different mood (as the lineup changes from album to album), and they really show off the depth and range of Bruce's vocal talent. I think he explored his vocal range on these albums a lot more than in his entire career with Maiden... and I'm hoping he makes another solo outing sometime soon!
Both Bruce and Blaze solo stuff are awesome. TCW and AOB are heavy and still melodic, like both Silicon Messiah and Tenth Dimension. In my opinion I listen to those 4 albums everyday, more than most maiden albums. Maybe "overlistening" maiden doesn't help either, and it's the right time for a change... :) Can't wait for the new album :)
i remember when bruce left maiden. i was so pissed off that i hated him for about 2 years. and by the time he came back i was ust to blaze. blaze can really play live well. hearing lightning strikes twice live was amazing.
Accident Of Birth is an excellent album and definitely the best of his solo records. Chemical Wedding is OK but not that great, really. I haven't heard the others that much except for a few songs from the Best Of -album. "Back From The Edge" from Skunkworks is a great song.
This thread is so tempting me to get involved, but it's best I not, especially the sticking up for tattooed Millionaire part. ;)