Bruce Lee Appreciation

I would have tried to love this guy, but he prolly woulda beaten me within an inch of my life. :erk:

Besides, I wasn't even born yet. :err:
Bryan_Of_Bodom said:
Everyone has to love this guy.
You cant tell me enter the dragon isnt the best kung fu movie youve ever seen.

Hell no it wasn't! Game Of Death or Fist Of Fury were a hell of a lot better than Enter The Dragon Anyway, of course I like Bruce Lee, the man's a true cinema legend.
TeXD said:
Hell no it wasn't! Game Of Death or Fist Of Fury were a hell of a lot better than Enter The Dragon Anyway, of course I like Bruce Lee, the man's a true cinema legend.
yeah game of death was fucking awesome
Kareem Abdul Jabbar.
I like Bruce Lee. He was a excellent Martial Artist, though, his style, Jeet Kune Do is lacking. Sure, he can beat some major ass but one thing about Jeet Kune Do, is that it's straight-up balls to the wall fast action shit. If you have someone that is very quick and can sense your moves before land as a opposition, you're screwed. In my personal opinion, forms of Martial Arts that go in a straight line (i.e. Jeet Kune Do, Tae Kwon Do, etc.) are dull and uneffective. Though, if you can catch the person off guard, they'll more than likely be screwed by the quickness and straight forward of the style.

I noticed above that Bruce Lee would whoop on Jackie Chan. I agree with this. Sure, Jackie Chan is a excellent fighter but Bruce Lee lived and breathed Martial Arts. Jackie Chan was a mere boy in the Chinese Opera (which is pretty much a circus) but began studying Martial Arts as a exercise to become more flexible until he realized that he loved it and took it up full-time. Jet Li on the other hand has been doing Martial Arts for years. I believe he started at age eight. He's about thirty-three, thirty-four now. Do the math. I'm not knocking Bruce, but I believe if it came down to it, Jet would beat Bruce, but it would be close. Bruce had a lot of pupils including Chuck Norris. Chuck fucking Norris.....just look at him!! He sucks!!

I myself am more fond of Chinese styles than Korean mainly because most Korean styles move in a straight line rather than in a circle. Around the age of seven, my grandfather tried teaching me Tae Kwon Do (he used to be a Sensei. He's a black-belt fifth degree I believe) but I didn't like the style, so I quit. I even sparred him a couple of years ago and well, it was quite close but maybe he was just taking it easy on me. Over the years I have just been picking up things here and there, haven't really taken anything formal. I took a little Jujitsu and that's about it. I have picked up some things from friends of mine who have studied Kung Fu and various kinds of Chinese styles but my favorite style is Ninjitsu. I am more fond of Japanese styles than anything, but not really traditional Karate because that's quite straight. In my mind, Ninjitsu is the best.

But enough of that. Yea, Bruce kicked ass but it's just like Jimi Hendrix....he was the best in his time. Though he's a legend and a godfather alike, time goes on and people progress. I tried going to his gravesite back in like 1994 but they wouldn't let us in the cemetary. Instead we went to Jimi Hendrix's grave. I was pissed. But whatever.

is a legend, nothing more to say... :headbang:
Mr. Bean would beat the living fuck out of Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan and Jet Li combined. Besides, my daddy is stronger than yours, not to mention i have a bigger lollipop so pflrrrtttt.