brutal black.

Brutal Black?

Anaal Nathrakh
The Axis of Perdition
Arkhon Infaustus

all those bands tend to be more brutal than the average black metal band.

For albums, Anaal Nathrakh's The Codex Necro is the most brutal black metal album I know of.
Most "brutal black" metal is just norsecore, blasty blasty blasturbation bullshit, but THE CODEX NECRO is really quite good.
Yeah if you want brutality in your black metal, you can choose norsecore (which is a somewhat derrogatory term that can be misleading) or else you have blackened death metal, which attempts to retain the BM atmosphere but ups the brutality with death metal influences. Try the debut albums of Zyklon or Myrkskog, that's the best I can get you for that.