Brutal/Slam Death Metal

i also noticed that condemned is writing a new album. its probably old news but i havnt checked anything about them in a while
Condemned - Realms Of The Ungodly (Writing/Recording)


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Elms? lol.

Condemned is bad Cali slam, they represent basically everything wrong with that scene that causes it to be probably the worst thing going in US slam. Angel Ochoas is a majorly one-trick-pony style vocalist, and his one trick is boring as fuck and bad when not in the context of ultra vile slam (and it even sounds meh in Cephalotripsy). Their slams aren't interesting, none of their writing is fleshed out enough to offer anything good to me and it's just plain ol' meh except actively annoying to me because it's from California.
It's an OK place and I don't have anything against it but god that slam/brutal death scene is gay. Gortuary are a straight-up exception.

Here's my line of thought; if your slam is average, it's bad. There is no excuse to write anything not awesome in slam. It isn't hard to do. If you're writing stuff I find average, fuck you.
It's also not something you really get better at over time. Bands improve on their own style, but if your style on your fucking first album is boring and straightforward with nothing special going for it other than your all-star lineup or your label/distro hype're gay. Like Condemned.
i like condemned and cephalotripsy they are 2 my top 10 favorite slam bands...

edit: cerebral incubation are pretty good too.their cd worth listening to imo.
Cephalotripsy are pretty good at what they do. They sound absolutely disgusting and vile. I just think Angel's vocals are a little silly.
ya its understandable that he doesnt like them... i personally like Angel's vox a lot but vocals are somthing that people make a big deal out of. im pretty picky when it comes to vocals so i understand that he doesnt like them.