Brutal/Slam Death Metal

I got Depopulate and did not like it at all. Sounded totally flat.

Really? I just heard them for the first time. I was listening to Devour off of The New Age Of Chaos and I really liked the rhythm and drive they put into it. I'm considering buying the album, but I guess I should really check the whole thing out first.
I never got into Vile and I was wondering if anybody shares my opinion that they are boring and the vocals are weak IMO.
Recommend me something 5xV, something excactly like Vomit The Soul or Putridity.

edit: I checked the "ridiculously long named mexico band" and it was a total fucking shitbomb.
Despondency's "Supreme Misanthropic Brutality" teaser EP is pretty damn excellent, in my opinion. A tad more brutal and perhaps slightly less catchy than "God On Acid", but great nonetheleess. They just signed to Brutal Bands, and a new full length will be out early 2008. I doubt they'll be able to top "God On Acid" (which is one of my alltime favourite DM releases), but the EP was really promising.

I'm also looking forward to Abominable Putridity's debut full length - I've been listening to their Myspace tracks on a daily basis for ages now.

Other noteworthy slam death releases from 2007 include the Crepitation/Kastrated/Ingested "North-West Slam Fest" split, Infernal Revulsion's "Devastated Under Hallucination", Human Rejection's "Torture Of Decimation" and the Embludgeoned/Human Filleted split.
Human, let's see. Fast paced slam with some epic parts and good riff progressions. Vocals can be very "ree ree" but they become very guttural and sick sometimes also. They're Greek so that's a plus also (INVERACITY FTW)