Brutal/Slam Death Metal


Going through a few I haven't yet heard, aside from the masters like Goretrade, Internal Suffering, Ancient Necropsy, Amputated Genitals, and the others I forgot.

Suppuration up first with their album, the aptly titled Pain And Suffering. Very tinny yet well-toned guitar production, drums overpower everything, especially the bouncy snare, but I don't mind much. Some epic riffs appear (similar to Ancient Necropsy but with less tapping or sliding), and the vocals of course rule. There is even a litttttttle bit of acoustic guitar!
Malignancy maybe if you want something a little groovier, but I am inexperienced with this band.

My entry to Colombian DM is Carnivore Diprosopus. Stupidly groovy, catchy and brutal. Only problem with their full length is a ballsless production, but I've heard a rerecord of one of their songs and it kicks ass.
Malignancy is super technical and ridiculous. Especially on the most recent stuff.

I also listened to Melted Flesh...horrible samples (I don't really want to hear an orgy turning into a chainsaw murderfest or, on the bonus track, a guy eating out a lame) but good shit. Check it out.
I dunno, there actually aren't that many with full lengths released, according to 9 or 10.

I listened to Regicide (China) today...awesome slam.