Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Suffocation are not slam death. Slam death is groovier and slower. A "slam" is a slow groove, which is usually followed by blasting sections. If you remember the cool slower riff in Liege of Inveracity, that is a nice example of the tempo and style of riffs.

Stop at Nothing is different from past releases in that the higher vocals are used more. It is alright but the new one or Destroy the Opposition is better.

If you want something primitive, bludgeoning, heavy and brutal, slam death is a good place to look.

Sounds like a non-core version of metalcore (or death-core).
In ways it is similar to deathcore, but deathcore bands often utilize Swedish or semi-technical riffs to contrast with their chugging breakdowns, where as slam bands utilize blasts and both the chug and the groove.
The new Defeated Sanity was too bullheaded and repetitive to me. Very sleepy-sounding. First one was more technical, had more interest-generating riffs and structures, and better vocals and themes too.
The new Defeated Sanity was too bullheaded and repetitive to me. Very sleepy-sounding. First one was more technical, had more interest-generating riffs and structures, and better vocals and themes too.
I thought the first one had worse vocals and production, but I agree with you it had better songs. I'm split on which I like better.

Speaking of splits, I am listening to Human Mastication's songs from their split with Flesh Disgorged. It's excellent Devourment worship. Heavy, slamming, guttural. What more could you ask for?
It might be brutal, but it's not brutal death metal. :p

BDM is a style. Even if some non-BDM bands are brutal, they are still not BDM because they just aren't. I love metal.
i know it isnt brutal, but i think i am finally like nocturnus- the key today!!!

hey what would you guys call LOrd Gore. goregrind? because they call cattle decapitation goregrind and the 2 bands sound alot alike. i can be bad with sub labels.

Cattle Decapitation and Lord Gore sound alike? You might wanna check your hearing. I would call Lord Gore old school death metal with some grind influences.