Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Can someone recommend some slam/bdm with a considerable degree of melody?


Strychnine.213 has the most melody. But I love all their releases :D
Dammit... it's a really bad time to be buying things that you have to pay for in euros... they're worth a dollar and a half nearly... fair warning, two shirts would be $63 right now. :erk:

I dont know if you saw this from the page before so I figured I'd post it again.

I gave up on the shirts for now .. I cant bring myself to pay that much for them... and I grabbed a Portal shirt instead. (who are in no way bdm or slam, but are far superior musically imo)

Edit: And Aborted are good, but I've heard everything from Goremaggedon up, and it's just plain ol death metal, imo.

I want my devourment shirt already, damnit.
So, do you want it to be brutal or not? I think you just like plain ol' death metal to be honest.

The brutal parts I tend to like are the slam parts rather than the spazzy blast parts. Something that mixes blast parts with a semblance of melody and slam parts is what I'm looking for.

I do like plain ol' death metal, but sometimes it's not crushingly heavy enough. If what I'm looking for doesn't exist, that's okay.
Naw man, Vulvectomy sucks. There are too many parts where the riffs basically don't change timbre at all and the vocalist sounds like a backed-up exhaust pipe. Such a turnoff. But really, slam is cool.
I hate the constant blasting and boring ass 'almost-'core' breakdowns. I also hate the below C tunings. Or the squeals. Fuck this shit. Fuck it right in the butt.
I've always found it really funny how people who don't get or care about slam equate it to hardcore by way of the breakdowns when they are clearly so ridiculously different in style. It's hilarious trying to see clueless people grasp at straws too.
When anyone mentions the breakdowns in that context, I sever the conversation. It's laughably absurd, but after awhile it's just irritating. It's unbelievable how irritating it gets....the ignorance flows like wine.
Naw man, Vulvectomy sucks. There are too many parts where the riffs basically don't change timbre at all and the vocalist sounds like a backed-up exhaust pipe. Such a turnoff. But really, slam is cool.

Awesome, you totally got me bro!

I listened to the song Putrescent Clitoral Fermentation. I dug it. There's no change in timbre, but the riffs differ more rhythmically and each riff is explored thoroughly. There's also three tempos as opposed to two ("slow", "spazzy-blast", and "pretty darn fast"). This guy's vocals don't really bother me, either. He doesn't sound as dry as the other dudes.
Depilated Cunt Twitch was cool in that it stuck with that one slow bit and just kept going with it. I like the slow chugging parts more than the fast blasting parts so this works pretty well for me. I thought they could have made the switch to blasting later on more interesting and given it better impact.
Awesome, you totally got me bro!

I listened to the song Putrescent Clitoral Fermentation. I dug it. There's no change in timbre, but the riffs differ more rhythmically and each riff is explored thoroughly. There's also three tempos as opposed to two ("slow", "spazzy-blast", and "pretty darn fast"). This guy's vocals don't really bother me, either. He doesn't sound as dry as the other dudes.
Depilated Cunt Twitch was cool in that it stuck with that one slow bit and just kept going with it. I like the slow chugging parts more than the fast blasting parts so this works pretty well for me. I thought they could have made the switch to blasting later on more interesting and given it better impact.

The slow chugging is what makes slam 'slam', yo. You tried Dripping? You might like that just because of how fucking weird they are.
They are definitely not run of the mill. Jenovavirus has a similar weirdness. Not to the same extent, though. Plus they use the inhaled vocals that add this creepy quality.
I'm indifferent towards Devourment. The first time I heard the band I thought it was good. On a subsequent liste, I went to 'meh'. I'd like to hear more of the genre before writing it off completely, but it's low on my priority list