Brutal/Slam Death Metal

At least try it, and if you don't like it then that's fine. There are a lot of bands with different approaches. Keep in mind that Devourment was the beginning, so there was less than say, Human Mincer.
I really don't get how anyone can find Human Mincer bad if they like any extreme modern death metal. It's fucking ridiculously good.
Human Mincer needs to lay off the pig squeals, and their new album is kind of meh...but they do have some solid songs..however I'd rather listen to Disgorge (USA) than HM
HM doesn't have pig squeals. Their vocalist, Phlegeton, is among the best vocalists in the business and has a completely unique vocal style. Ergo, you're wrong, etc.
The slow chugging is what makes slam 'slam', yo.

This being why I said I was interested in slam.

I'm starting to get into the new Human Mincer. I've been listening to it during my lunch break every day. There's a whole bunch of fairly memorable parts and as a whole it's pretty cool. I think it just needed some time to grow on me.
New Vuvlvectomy is now slated for a Winter 2010 release..
I sure hope that means in Jan or Feb.. and not Dec.



Sevared Records is very Proud to announce the signing of Italy's
most Brutal Slamming Death Metal band from Italy! The 2nd Full
Length CD will be released in Late 2008 / Early 2009. For fans
of Inhuman Dissiliency, Cephalitripsy, Devourment, etc.. Sick
cover art done by Matthias Auer (stench of dismemberment,
Bodysnatch, etc..)

Don't miss out!!!
OUT IN WINTER 2010!!!!!!!!
New Extirpating the Infected seemed pretty good... it was a bit short... but it was an EP after all.

Found a blog where a guy has been semi-regularly posting things I havent heard before...
Anyone have an obscure album I should check out?