Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Release Dates:
Perverse Dependence - Gruesome Forms Of Distorted Libido (September 29, 2009)
Embryonic Depravity - Constrained By The Miscarriage Of Conquest (October 2009)
Vomitous - Surgical Abominations Of Disfigurment mCD (October 2009)
Gorevent - Worship Paganism (October 2009)
Jasad - Annihilate The Enemy (Re-Mastered w/ 3 New Songs) (October 2009)
Septycal Gorge - Erase The Insignificant (October 2009 ???)
Vulvectomy - T.B.A. (Winter 2009/Early 2010)
Did I say underground? Anyways... there's stuff there I hadnt heard before I found it, so it's all good.

I want my new Gorevent.
I would agree. I don't see myself listening to it often in the future. It's alright, but there's not enough memorable stuff to make it prevalent in my mind.
the new Disastrous is good, but there's a lot of stuff id rather listen to instead of it...ill definitely listen to it every once in a while though.
Probably a pretty well known band here, but what do you all think of Dehumanized? I don't know if it is all out slam, but either way, Prophecies Foretold is the best album I've heard in awhile. Excellent stuff.
So Perverse Dependence seems like a really cool band and their first full length is good...They play a really fast grind infused slam that I enjoyed. My only complaint is that their songs are very short.

Who the hell are Gorepoflesh? I grabbed their full length but havent bothered yet.