Brutal/Slam Death Metal

It's an awesome name. It's like gore + repo(session) :lol:

Ya know... it does read better as Go-Repo-Flesh... I was thinking Gore-Po-Flesh... which sounded beyond retarded.

And yes, the full length is called "Gore Fucking Corpses."

*broken record*

I'd definitely recommend checking out Perverse Dependence -Gruesome Forms Of Distorted Libido...

Artist: Ditchcreeper
Album: Rotting Repugnancy
Year: 2009
Genre: Brutal Death Metal
Country: United Kingdom

Label: Sevared


01. Confessions Of A Child Killer
02. Cunt Puss
03. Malodorous Vaginal Deflagration
04. Vaginal Holocaust
05. Repugnant Ejaculation Of Septic Discharge
06. Duddenal Billary Drainage
07. Castrated For Adultery
08. Adductor Spasmodic Dysphonia
09. Rotting Repugnancy
10. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy
Yeah, it's pretty cool. First I was like whoa but then I started to like it fast.
im gunna check out the Gorepoflesh cd in a little bit. im pretty excited after seeing so many people saying good stuff about it.

edit: so far its really awesome.
To Violently Vomit.. :lol:

EDIT: What the fucking fuck.

EDIT2: The Gorepoflesh is really fucking awesome.