Brutal/Slam Death Metal

New Suppuration is definitely fantastic. That god damn snare is irritating though. I mean REALLY irritating. It cuts through every riff and pierces my earhole like a fucking penis. Otherwise, this is a very solid, heavy fucking release.
I think you take this forum too seriously :p lighten up a little dude! I guess it's overbearing but that's part of the charm of Colombian slam.
'Ouch. My pride' was copypasta'd from Family Guy. That's how serious I'm taking it, lulzified.

And I agree, Colombian slam snares have a charm, but this is one instance in which I wish the riffs could have more dominance. They're really good, and they are not being treated with fairness. :(
The Suppuration album seemed a little harder to get into than the Embryonic Depravity full length, which I liked immediately...

I'll get back to it... but for one reason or another I've not been in the mood for slam. Cold weather sets me in dooooooom mode.
I assumed everyone knew it had leaked... which is why I just mentioned it a few posts up.

I really liked it... and it had me banging my head at 2 in the morning.