Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Is dying Fetus considered slam? I think it sounds more like Brutal death metal.
I think that Killing on Adrenaline is slam, though it isn't as brutal as most slam bands. Purification through Violence is probably closer to brutal death metal than anything. Their later albums are kind of a mix between brutal and tech-death, though I would imagine people could disagree with that.
Dying Fetus is Death Metal/Grindcore/Hardcore

I wouldn't consider them slam, but they do have some slammy parts.
DF is weird, they are like hip-hop slammy.

I suggest you check out the band Stabwound. They are slam and sound similar to DF.

Stabwound - 2004 - Human Boundaries
Stabwound - 2002 - Bloodsoaked Serenades EP
Stabwound - 2002 - Malicious Addiction (Demo)
I'd call Dying Fetus tech death and brutal death.
They don't seem like slam to me (although, I'm not slam death fan).
Yea just earlier in this thread I read somewhere it was, and I gave Descend into Depravity a listen again, sounds Brutal, some slammy parts.. I'll check out Stabwound too
So have you two heard the whole album or are you judging the whole from a year old track on myspace?

Why do you like AE at all? All their albums have been insanely horrible, they even said they'd get a PROFESSIONAL production this time, and lied terribly.
I've never liked AE... but this album I like, and that's why I want to know if people have actually heard the whole new album and then judge it.

There is production on this album, its just not Devo - UTC type production.
There's really not much difference between slam and brutal death. I'd wouldn't say Dying Fetus are slam death but they definitely have slams. They're just not as emphasized as bands that could more readily be described as slam death

That's why They're in the same category I agree (Slam/Brutal Death)but like you said, i just wouldn't recognize them as anything to do with slam and only because having break downs and simpleness here in there, its just not really common with them. though it is present.
the 3 are a weird combination. even though they are all brutal/slam death. ussually its jenovavirus and dripping. cephalotripsy and condemned. and dying fetus and...some1 else.
While on the topic of Dying Fetus..

I just got a hold of Infatuation With Malevolence..and holy shit why the hell haven't I heard this before?!!! I can never listen to Nocturnal Crucifixion again on Purification Through Violence..the IwM version is just infinitely better! The vocals and guitar are just much more raw and deep..the only thing that PTV improved on was the drumming