Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Dying Fetus are pretty okay... Killing on Adrenaline is all I need...
Kill Your Mother/Rape Your Dog is still one of my favorite death metal songs of all time.

(They have an official video, but it's even lamer than this one so I'll leave it)

The crazy split with Cumbeast, Down From the Wound, and Heinous Killings leaked today. listening asap.
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I can handle a minute and a half, but not really an entire album. A bunch of my friends wanted me to go with them to see Fetus, Vital Remains, and The Faceless, but it would have only been worthwhile to see Vital, honestly.
If your into Dying Fetus, take a step up and brace upon Vomit Remnants. But I still enjoy Dying Fetus here and there, I'm into other stuff more so though.
cephalotripsy and condemned.[/QUOTE said:
The only reason they go together so good is because they have the same vocalist, so i wouldn't necessarily group them together because its too obvious.
thats why i grouped them together. i think they could be grouped with abominable putridity too. they all hav a similar sound.
yeah makes sense, And I like both bands enough to listen to them, but I'll agree that the vocalist has that same tone in his voice, and he tries to mix things up with different gutturals, but it all starts sounding overall like the same thing repeated over and over for the whole album. At least using Uterovaginal Insertion Of Extirpated Anomalies as an example. Condemned throw a little more impressive guitar work in there to differentiate things up.

Also on Condemned's Desecrate the vile, he DOES somewhat change te vocals around, on some songs.
What do you think of Saprogenic's The wet sound of flesh on concrete album?

I think its one of the best brutal death metal albums out there.
Excellent album. One of the only examples of using tremolo riffs correctly and atmospherically(!) in slam-based death metal to achieve something really original and disturbing.

This is out now. I had all these tracks already besides the Decrepit Womb one's which were 2 years old anyway and done with a drum machine. They have a drummer now and are currently working on a new promo due out in the next few months. Also, they are working on a full length slated for 2010.

Heinous Killings tracks are a step up from the full length.

Down From The Wound was good. I really liked the Disgorge cover. Their non-cover tracks were 2 of the 3 off their 2009 promo.

I didn't like the Defleshuary tracks as much as I liked their full length. World Devourer was cool. 2nd track was decent. Cover sucked.

and I skipped Cumbeast. I don't care for them.

Artist: Murder Intentions
Album: A Prelude To Total Decay
Year: 2009
Genre: Brutal Death Metal/Grindcore
Country: Belgium (Tielt, West Flanders)

Label: Soulflesh Collector


1. Violent Nature
2. Infected Casualties
3. Corpse Explosion
4. Failed Humanity
5. B.D.M.F.
6. The Cleansing
7. Icon of Butchery
8. Never Look Back

Last Releases of the Year:

Gorevent - Worship Paganism (2009?)
Vomitous - Surgical Abominations Of Disfigurment MCD (December 2009)
Gore Sanctum - Realms Of Devastation (December 2009)
Her Virgin Womb - The Methods Of Killing MCD (December 2009)
Fleshrot - Traumatic Reconfiguration (Late 2009)
Fucking Gorevent is already 2 months late.

That split... Cumbeast part was really bad... Heinous Killings was insanely good... that's all I remember. I'll need to listen to it again.