Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Enough shit in this thread? Fuck

@Malice That new vulvectomy Cd makes my balls tingle, I think I'm going to pre order, and the shirt, too unacceptable for me to wear at work or school, but its truly beautiful, Cool shirt though.

@JG I was looking into Remnants of flesh, and they're listed as TechDeath on Sevared, Usually not my style, I don't give em a chance, haha. I'm listening to them now though, they are alright but I'm curious why this album is a 10? or is it 9.6? "This shit wasn't Devourment". Strange.. doesn't sound very techy to me. just a little faster paced BDM.

@ AJE, stop chain posting spam / reg death metal, fucking YAWN.

When it comes to music, I'm pretty elitist, doesn't mean I don't like other styles though. V5, Cookie, Krow, you guys gotta start Slamming again :p.:kickass:
Vocals on short bus pile up's promo are joy inspiring. And nice slams to. I agree that Vulvectomy's pre-order shirt is obscene, but just don't wear it to work. You probably just don't want to admit it's to gore for you, and your to weak.
@ ruineverything

I'd love to wear it because I think the artwork is purely beautiful and one of the best I've ever seen as far as a BDM album cover art goes. I don't care if people think that I'm a freak for wearing it, or I don't try to be bad ass and throw gore in everyone's face either. I just know It wouldn't be as reliable and convenient as wearing a logo brand or more comfortable looking shirt.