Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Zomg you know sect of execration!?!?! The two first tracks on that cd are the brutalest shit ever... EVER!

I agree! and this is even better..


Malthusia - 2000 - Demo

1. Examinating the Deities
2. Manipulation of Scriptural Perversions
3. Embracing Emaceration
Haha I wouldn't recommend sect of execration if you're new to bdm and slam. The cd has some poor production. Each two songs on the cd are produced differently. The first two tracks have mono guitar but they are just so brutal, I don't even mind.

Checking Malthusia out now :) I can't find the promo by them :zipit:
Thanx man,i'll check those guys out,damn these cd's seem hard to get hold of but i'll keep trying,it'll have to be next week as i busted my paypal account at NWN!! for this week.
I just listened to Devourment's Butcher the Weak. It's pretty good. (First slam album except for Suffocation and Dying Fetus).
If anyone has these, please let me know!! Hard copy or mp3.

Digested Flesh - 2003 - Demo

1. Empire in Flames
2. In the Trench
3. United for Munity, United for Treason

Sect Of Execration - 2001 - Demo
1. Deadly Resurrection
2. Exanimating the Deity
3. Scriptural Manipulations
4. Sucking the Putrid Lactation
malice13231 thanks so much. Malthusia promo is great!!! What is this, the original sect of execration. I'm quite confused why they play the same material.
That Devourment tie has got to be a fucking joke.

It's only been four days since I've ordered my haul of cd's, but its been feeling like an eternity. I wonder who gets to listen to the new vulvectomy first?
Any of you guys heard of Krotchripper and/or Veins of Ice? They are considered "Brutal Troll Grind" but they have great slam riffs in their songs.

And... Does anyone have any idea when this new Gorevent CD is coming out?

I actually just posted that krotchripper link on page 211. I like it. Do you happen to have their Promo 2009?

Release Date:
Gorevent - Worship Paganism (February/March 2010)


Artwork by Phlegeton
I wonder who gets to listen to the new vulvectomy first?

as of: 2/4/10
VULVECTOMY- Post Abortion Slut Fuck CD OUT NOW!!! (Hopefully shipping today!)

Seeing as how it ships from NY. You live in Canada and I live in Michigan. I say me! But don't worry I'll give you a link to a 320kb/ps rip once I get it.
I actually just posted that krotchripper link on page 211. I like it. Do you happen to have their Promo 2009?

Release Date:
Gorevent - Worship Paganism (February/March 2010)


Artwork by Phlegeton

Yes I do :). Just click on the link on my signature to download it along with their sideproject "Veins of Ice". I think it's cool because they are from around the area I am originally from and not too much Brutal Slam comes on the other side of the Mississippi River...

They also have a split coming out this summer with Mass Murder Messiah on Necrotic Rec. w/ some fancy Majewski artwork ;)
Oh malice, I knew it would probably be you, and if you have the rip up that would be great. What a coincidence the new Gorevent is coming out, I just ordered their last release because it sounded amazing. Another release I get to look forward too.

I ordered three other albums along with the new Vulvectomy from Sevared, so I'm curious if they just sent me all four today or if they did it separately.

As for Ingurgitate, I forgot about them, they're pretty good. I could care less if the lyrics are satanic or gore though.
Thanks Muff Arsonist, I couldn't find that anywhere! Nice blog, I'll check that out a little more.

I ordered three other albums along with the new Vulvectomy from Sevared, so I'm curious if they just sent me all four today or if they did it separately.

As for Ingurgitate, I forgot about them, they're pretty good. I could care less if the lyrics are satanic or gore though.

If you ordered them together then they will all ship together. The only way you would get separate packages would be if you made 2 separate orders. (Barrett warned ppl about that because the available cds wouldn't ship out until the unavailable one was.)

Just DL'ed Ingurgitate's albums on Tuesday. Only skimmed them so far but I liked what I was hearing.
Goddamn, he's really fucking good...I'd like to know some of his tools of the trade. I'll be done a graphic design degree in like a year and I have no fucking idea how to do that kind of stuff.
Goddamn, he's really fucking good...I'd like to know some of his tools of the trade. I'll be done a graphic design degree in like a year and I have no fucking idea how to do that kind of stuff.

Its really not hard. Takes lots and lots of layers of perfection. He actually messed up on the album cover. The girls elbow wasn't cut out right.