Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Thought this would sound alike to his other bands, But I was pretty impressed, the sound came out pretty unique. Here's The Empty Tomb, Slamming Christian Death Metal.

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Usually just a voyeur to this thread but...really?! Christian Slam Metal? I mean it doesnt sound absolutely horrible but its nothing too catching either. But still the whole time I was thinking "Is this suppose to attract christians?" Those silly fucking creationists....

EDIT: I even paused Ares Kingdom's newest to hear that...regrets.
I for one agree with u and fuckin' love all slam but like when its a bit technical the slam type bands i listen to are:

defeated sanity
guttural secrete

the list goes on....

stay BRUTAL \m/:kickass:
Simple review because I haven't at all been in a reviewing mood lately (and for this I am sorry and regret my feelings tbh):

Techy Finnish death metal, not very brutal but satisfying. Cool cover art.
You were right V5, ingurgitate is underrated, I listened to Bleeding his sacred kingship and the album was near perfection.
Ingurgitate is amazing, and seriously malice1231 or whatever? Your attacking a band based on the instruments not sounding tight when you like Artery Eruption? Your opinion on that is null and void. lol
Its a Mark Rawls project... He's a faggot. He thinks the more bands he's in the more relevant to the genre he will be, but he's doing it in vein because he sucks as a vocalist and everything he touches turns to shit. But you wouldn't think so, because you have two of his wack ass bands in your sig.. not to mention a generic ass deathcore band.
Its a Mark Rawls project... He's a faggot. He thinks the more bands he's in the more relevant to the genre he will be, but he's doing it in vein because he sucks as a vocalist and everything he touches turns to shit. But you wouldn't think so, because you have two of his wack ass bands in your sig.. not to mention a generic ass deathcore band.

lol, my signature is from way back when. The only project he has taht I even enjoy anymore is Guttural Engorgement. So what if I like Deathcore? You label bands genres that they aren't even part of. Wow. -_-.