Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Decrepit Birth for example, has influences from Cynic, do we need Cynic Influenced Brutal Death Metal? No.

Interesting point but you forgot the part where no one ever said that was a subgenre. Therefore, you should go play in your sandbox with the other little children. Any more (retarded) posts by you in this thread will result in deletion. Fuck off if you don't like "subgenres"; this music is not for you.
Can someone please help me out... I wanna know which serial killer is speaking in the sample for Devourment's "festering vomitous mass"

thanks in advance
No I'm not trolling. Am I saying that Cancer and Death (yeah Mantis was a typo) are the same as Suicide Silence and White Chapel, no. But to say that those bands or any Deathcore band for that matter are an evolution from Death and Cancer are wrong. They are not, they are less talented and more generic. I hear people talking about Suicide Silence are so original, no one sounds like them. WRONG. Check out Eternal Suffering from 1994, same sound, same generic riffing, same deep vocals and pig squeals. Eternal Suffering was called Death Metal, not Deathcore. All my ranting diatribe is trying to point out is that A LOT of these bands being labeled slam, or Deathcore, aren't doing anything different from 20 years ago. They are just being called something else. There is no need for that. Anyway, I know a lot of my friends who are all old school death metal guys agree, we hate Deathcore and slam not because of the music, it's because it's all death metal, it should be called death metal. Instead of trying to come up with a suitable "subgenre" just LISTEN to them and see if you like them. There is no need to continously make up new subgenres to place them in to be recognized by people unfamiliar with the basic genres.

I was once told by a dude that Fear Factory was Synth-core and I was like WTF LOL?

Anyway, back to the topic, sorry to intrude. Not trying to be an ass, I am very passionate about DM and I feel all this labeling will soon destroy what it once was. That is why I feel there are so very few stand out bands these days.

Give the kids a break buddy, they have to know which bands are cool and which ones old fellas listen to.
Give the kids a break buddy, they have to know which bands are cool and which ones old fellas listen to.

But that's not the point, it's just a further specification of what the music sounds like. The whining guy created a thread named "Mid-paced death/doom", which is more or less the same as when you specify death metal to be "brutal/slam" (it's just that these bands went further and created some kind of circle/"scene" that -differs more significantly- from their predecessors.. the "sub-genre" term is just a description of this). I don't get what's he upset about really.
No I'm not trolling. Am I saying that Cancer and Death (yeah Mantis was a typo) are the same as Suicide Silence and White Chapel, no. But to say that those bands or any Deathcore band for that matter are an evolution from Death and Cancer are wrong. They are not, they are less talented and more generic. I hear people talking about Suicide Silence are so original, no one sounds like them. WRONG. Check out Eternal Suffering from 1994, same sound, same generic riffing, same deep vocals and pig squeals. Eternal Suffering was called Death Metal, not Deathcore. All my ranting diatribe is trying to point out is that A LOT of these bands being labeled slam, or Deathcore, aren't doing anything different from 20 years ago. They are just being called something else. There is no need for that. Anyway, I know a lot of my friends who are all old school death metal guys agree, we hate Deathcore and slam not because of the music, it's because it's all death metal, it should be called death metal. Instead of trying to come up with a suitable "subgenre" just LISTEN to them and see if you like them. There is no need to continously make up new subgenres to place them in to be recognized by people unfamiliar with the basic genres.

I was once told by a dude that Fear Factory was Synth-core and I was like WTF LOL?

Anyway, back to the topic, sorry to intrude. Not trying to be an ass, I am very passionate about DM and I feel all this labeling will soon destroy what it once was. That is why I feel there are so very few stand out bands these days.

You are being very dense.

Let's say I listen to Devourment and really like it. I go to this forum and ask the people here to recommend me some death metal. They say "listen to Dismember, Obituary, and Morbid Angel". Not bad recommendations, but I wanted different sounding death metal. Imagine this scenario where I go to this thread, because I hear Devourment is this type of death metal called slam death. I will get much different and more accurate recommendations. In the future, instead of having to say "death metal that has groove and vocals like Devourment" I can say "slam death metal". Do you understand the use of subgenres now?

Now if you seriously think there has been no innovation in death metal in 20 years, you are a stupid person or at best willfully ignorant.

Also, I don't understand why people like you think that knowing about and discussing subgenres means we don't listen to music. We're not just sitting around here jerking off about all the new names we can come up with. We are talking about music that we love. We just like being more precise and having more focused discussions when on a MUSIC DISCUSSION BOARD.
CC is correct. Death metal is very diverse. (maybe the most diverse in all of metal, I think) We are all fully aware Cancer, Amon Amarth, Whitechapel, Devourment, to Necrophagist are all death metal bands. Their sound, however, isn't all that similar.

Not everyone likes every kind of death metal. (I for one cant stand melodic death metal) If you talk about "slam" in the main death metal thread, there isnt much discussion, in fact, it's mostly just people saying they dont like it.

Edit: also, regardless of influences, a band can sound fairly unique. Suicide Silence's first album is actually pretty unique in guitar tone... and boring as fuck after a while. Did I know it was death metal? Absolutely. Was it built on a foundation of the bands that came before it? Absolutely.
New Human Filleted is really good. I think Malice is the only person who has mentioned it on this thread, so I'd take that as more people needing to give it a listen.

Btw...I haven't seen any mention of Severe Torture on this thread. I know it is kind of like mentioning Suffocation or Dying Fetus here, but what do you all think of them? Personally, I like their first two albums, but thought the material after was a step down. Haven't heard their new album though.
I despise being broke. But, again, I'll share this with my UM brothers.


Because of the extremely HIGH demand of the black shirts with white logo, I have deciided to make another batch. Please let me know what size(s) you will be needed so I have an idea of how many I should be making. Thank you for all the support over the years!!!
Greatly appreciated


Seems murky enough right?
Well, that's from Orchidectomy. That email was sent to me and... eh < 100 others. (not sure how much he is advertising this)

His email address is markzum @ hotmail . com if you're interested.
New Human Filleted is really good. I think Malice is the only person who has mentioned it on this thread, so I'd take that as more people needing to give it a listen.

Btw...I haven't seen any mention of Severe Torture on this thread. I know it is kind of like mentioning Suffocation or Dying Fetus here, but what do you all think of them? Personally, I like their first two albums, but thought the material after was a step down. Haven't heard their new album though.
Human Filleted have been on my radar for some time, but I've been trying to be conservative with my music spending after dropping nearly 200 on CDs earlier in the year. I might just download it though if I get really desperate for new stuff.
Here's some recent Pre-Orders I made. Cephalic Impurity's new shit sounds good to me. I didn't care for their last album.

Cephalic Impurity - 2010 - Unique Brute Revival

Human Parasite - 2010 - Proud To Build The Insidious Catastrophe

Pre-Order both of these releases here

Cerebral Bore - 2010 - Maniacal Miscreation

Som is the vocalist for this release, she kills the last dudes vox.

Guest vocals from Angel Ochoa (Condemned / Cephalotripsy) on the title track

There was a Pre-Order, but its sold out right now
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Oh and how could I forget! In case any of you want vinyl slam! :D

GSM 001 LP
CEPHALOTRIPSY (USA) "Uterovaginal Insertion Of Extirpated Anomalies"

brutal death metal

gatefold LP:
black vinyl - 520 copies
LIMITED EDITION splatter (clear/red) vinyl - 80 copies
LIMITED EDITION cut handnumbered cover with splatter (clear/red) vinyl - 30 copies

hey guys remember me? i used to write review for S-M and then i died for a bit but now i'm back:

I don't remember you, but that review is cool. You're right, I like brutality that doesn't give shit about me and just smashes my face to shit. You heard the new Vomitous already? I told you on fb.
I finally listened to Aversion to Life's Ritualized Murder album. Great stuff...I was looking online for reviews about it though and saw on Amazon someone claiming to be the bassist of that band saying that they weren't all that good. Kind of surprising that I appreciate the band more than their own members do, it should be the other way around I would think. But he said they lost interest in death metal, so maybe he was kind of a pussy.