Brutal/Slam Death Metal

You don't even like slam, so I'm wondering why you even came into this thread. Whitechapel aren't death metal proper, no, but they are going more towards it, especially with the new album which has shed some deathcore influence in favor of a good dose of modern DM brutality.

Ondra, no I haven't heard it yet.
:zombie: I don't actually own any of their albums but I've heard some stuff on Youtube and The riffs and vocals were both awesome. Why would they do this?
lol its VERY deathcore-y! That's a deathcore song structure and I hear breakdowns.. It's not even as good as the deathcore heavy weights: Whitechapel, All Shall Perish & Chelsea Grin. I'll still give the full length a listen, but I definitely prefer slam bands to stay that way.
I am listening to the new song again and I actually think it's good. I think other than the vocals, which are definitely worse, it's not bad. It's a move away from slam but I honestly don't hear a ton of core parts. The end of the song is a little corey, but it's not enough to make me hate it. My biggest problem is that the song kind of sounds a Frankenstein's monster of riffs, which is odd consider their two full lengths have had a very focused sound. I'm not ready to write HR off yet though.

On the subject of stop-start riffs (which is where most of the deathcore accusations are coming from), stop-start does not necessarily mean deathcore. The stop starts riffs here (and on Decrepit to Insanity) sound more like spaced out slams or at worse really heavy nu-metal. Imo those are both better than most hardcore stop-start breakdowns.
Chelsea Grin is definately not a deathcore heavyweight malice, just saying that right off the bat.

New Human Rejection is :|. I like it, but it's most definately deathcore.

Big Chocolates vocals for new Burning the Masses. It's not slam, I know, but it pertains to the new Abominable Putridity. Personally I think Big C stepped up his game quite a bit, so the new AP might be good.
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I never hated his vocals but more the fact that he is a poser with is youtube channel and gayspace...
Also you have to like over edited/layered/false vocals to be able to love his style.
Chelsea Grin is definately not a deathcore heavyweight malice, just saying that right off the bat.

New Human Rejection is :|. I like it, but it's most definately deathcore.

They are one of best within the genre. And they are way better than Oceano, but since I only like 4-5 Deathcore bands maybe you're right.