Brutal/Slam Death Metal

I've heard a lot of good things about Colombian BDM but I can't say that I've ever heard any and been aware of it at the same time. Can someone explain to me what's so unique about it and link me some bands, if it's not a problem?
I've heard a lot of good things about Colombian BDM but I can't say that I've ever heard any and been aware of it at the same time. Can someone explain to me what's so unique about it and link me some bands, if it's not a problem?

If you are looking for Columbian brutal death metal, take a look at Malice's post on Page 261.
I've heard a lot of good things about Colombian BDM but I can't say that I've ever heard any and been aware of it at the same time. Can someone explain to me what's so unique about it and link me some bands, if it's not a problem?
Amputated Genitals
Ancient Necropsy
Blaze Inside
Carnivore Diprosopus
Internal Suffering

The particularity is that the snare is very treebly (tin can) and predominant. Also you have mainly some tremolo riffs with a lot of blast beats. I advise you to try Goretrade, Amputated Genitals and Internal Suffering my personnal favorites.
Amputated Genitals
Ancient Necropsy
Blaze Inside
Carnivore Diprosopus
Internal Suffering

The particularity is that the snare is very treebly (tin can) and predominant. Also you have mainly some tremolo riffs with a lot of blast beats. I advise you to try Goretrade, Amputated Genitals and Internal Suffering my personnal favorites.

I have to add Evil Darkness to that list (I know terrible name, but awesome band), I had the honor of sharing stage with them at their hometown last year and was blown against the wall at the energy they throw at your face, very brutal, big devourment influence also
GORGASM Signs With Brutal Bands

Today we are pleased to announce a new addition to our roster. GORGASM are back and have just signed a multi-album contract with Brutal Bands. Keeping low key over the past couple years and operating under the name Sadichist, GORGASM has surfaced and will enter Studio One on September 18th to begin recording their 4th studio album. Look for their new album along with a full line of merch and BB Package Deals early 2011.


Scott of Brutal Bands comments: "I've been a huge Gorgasm fan since the early days of Stabwound Intercourse. So it is really an honor to have the opportunity to work with these guys. It was just a few weeks ago that I saw their first performance at CIM with the new 4 piece lineup performing under the name Sadichist. They were one of my favorite bands at the fest and an obvious crowd favorite as well. The return of Gorgasm will be felt around the world!"

Gorgasm drummer Kyle Christman adds: "I have always been a huge fan of Gorgasm myself, and I'm stoked as fuck to be a part of this. We as a whole have been working quietly at this for a while. We are excited to finally officially announce the news, and we're stoked about signing to Brutal Bands and entering the studio at last. We feel that this is our most brutal material yet, and long time fans won't be let down."
I saw them at CIM and didn't recognize the Sadichist name, so it probably makes more sense for them to go by Gorgasm since they still have a few of the members. They were pretty good though.
I have to add Evil Darkness to that list (I know terrible name, but awesome band), I had the honor of sharing stage with them at their hometown last year and was blown against the wall at the energy they throw at your face, very brutal, big devourment influence also
I will throw a ear on it. Sounds good that they have 2 amp gens members.
I will throw a ear on it. Sounds good that they have 2 amp gens members.

well it´s actually more that the guitarist of ED does live guitars for AG and the bassist of AG does live bass for ED, neither is actually "part" of the other´s band. And besides, both are now each to their own band, the geographical difference (7 hour bus trips through the mountains just to rehearse?) made them part ways
I heard ED a long ass time ago and didn't think it was anything special.

Anyway it's cool to have a South American slammer in our thread! Welcome!