Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Thanks I will probably just check out both then.

Btw, what do you all think of Deeds of Flesh? I know their later albums don't really qualify for discussion on this thread, but their first two are pretty brutal (though probably not slam). Personally, I quite enjoy their debut, but don't care too much for their second album, although I think most people have the opposite opinion.
Yesterday I was thinking of making a band with some people of this board. I remember that some of us putted some vocals cover.
So as for me I can compose/record guitars with a decent sound and I am able to play some and create some good slamming death metal. I can compose drums but I doesn't have any drum software that have a good sound...
If someone is interested in singing, playing bass or make some drums just send me a mail at : edwin - jolly (at) hotmail . com (remove spaces).

With all these slammers here we can do a online slam project.
I have a good drum kit programmed in Fruity Loops. I am also competent at vocals, but it'd be good to have some other people help with them too at times or layer them! This would be a cool idea!

This album is pretty badass. If you like Disastrous, then check this out. Same vocals, drums, and bass.
Yesterday I was thinking of making a band with some people of this board. I remember that some of us putted some vocals cover.
So as for me I can compose/record guitars with a decent sound and I am able to play some and create some good slamming death metal. I can compose drums but I doesn't have any drum software that have a good sound...
If someone is interested in singing, playing bass or make some drums just send me a mail at : edwin - jolly (at) hotmail . com (remove spaces).

With all these slammers here we can do a online slam project.
I think this is a really cool idea. I don't really know what I can contribute but I'd like to help in some way. I have a guitar but I haven't played in a while and I guess I could do some vocals. Maybe some lyric/concept writing too.
So, with this online Slam project, how would it work exactly? Would you all write songs together over e-mail, record each instrument individually and finally send e-mail all the recordings to someone to mix them all together. It's not that I doubt anyone, I'm just curious.

I know I'm still fairly new to Slam but I'd like to try and contribute to this in some way. I don't play instruments but I've had a few song titles floating around in my head. I've never written lyrics before but I'm pretty good at imaginative writing. If I researched BDM lyrics a bit more, I could probably provide some half-decent stuff. If you ever needed artwork of any sort, I'd be willing to draw up some stuff as well, provided I have the time. Andy (sorry V5, do you mind if I call you Andy?), don't you have an art qualification of some sort?

If any of you are interested, tell me and I'll PM you my e-mail address. Oh, and I think this sounds like a really fucking cool idea.
I will send some tablatures of the guitar and the drum parts to all the people interested in doing something and if someone as some idea with some of the riffs and structure of the songs it will be good.
And V5 you can do some good gutturals !

So for now we are :
V5 - vocals
Cookiecutter wants to make some lyrics and maybe some bass
Chimaira94 wants to make some logos/artwork and also some lyrics
And me I propose to compose guitar and drums but im only able to record guitar with a decent sound so we need someone to convert the drum tab to a good drum machine.

Everyone have my email it might be cool to get all in touch with msn or anything like that just to see what type of slam we want to do. Also Chimaira94 the lyrics doesn't have to be like all BDM acts (Look the thematic of wormed for example).

At the moment im not at my home so it will take a little bit of time before I send you the first files. Oh and everyone have guitar pro ?
Gory Delivery - 2010 - Conceived To Prevail


Full-length, Permeated Records
October 15th, 2010

1. Behold The Omnipotence
2. Obstinacy
3. Remnants Of Voracity
4. Ecstasy Of The Insane
5. Conceived To Prevail
6. Detrimental Abdication
7. Unconscious Embodiment
8. Undisclosed Patterns Of Horror

Featuring two members from Cerebral Effusion, the band is highly influenced by solid modern brutality and delivers a total blast of twisted yet groovy death metal in the vein of Disavowed, Disgorge and Dying Fetus, with a style recognizable for complex structures, dynamic blasting drums, relentless strings work and low tuned gutturality.
I don't actually have a bass so I can't contribute that. I can downtune my guitar for what it's worth. Works for Pig Destroyer. I am pretty rusty at playing though so I might just hold you back. We'll figure out something, even if it means I just write some lyrics. It'll be fun either way.