Brutal/Slam Death Metal

I'm listening to this. It's a first czech slam band to actually record something. I thought Epicardiectomy would be first but their songs on myspace have crappy production. Check it out I guess, it's named Carnal Disfigurement.

I'm listening to this. It's a first czech slam band to actually record something. I thought Epicardiectomy would be first but their songs on myspace have crappy production. Check it out I guess, it's named Carnal Disfigurement.

A little update as I'm now listening the Kraanium / Epicardiectomy / Dormant Carnivore split and after I got into the czech band's sound (the production isn't perfect really), I'm quite enjoying it. It's fucking brutal primitive goresoaking fucking shit. Recommended especially to Andy and Nick.
I decided to check them out after reading this.

This is fucking awesome!

The fact that they're Scottish is also a selling point for me.

Eh, they're okay, the vocalist is what ruins it for me

A little update as I'm now listening the Kraanium / Epicardiectomy / Dormant Carnivore split and after I got into the czech band's sound (the production isn't perfect really), I'm quite enjoying it. It's fucking brutal primitive goresoaking fucking shit. Recommended especially to Andy and Nick.

I'm listening to it now, jesus fucking christ, the intro blew my god damned, fucking mind.. I cant wait to finish it.

The whole album is fucking amazing, thats fucking slam right there, surprised I haven't heard of Epicardiectomy, they're one of the best true slam bands I've ever heard after listening to this. Definitely recommended you all check this out if you haven't :|.
Haha, yeah, Epicardiectomy wins the threesome. I mean, the snare parts could fucking rape anything. The guitars could have better sound but one can get uesd to it. If this band records a full-length with better sound, perhaps including these three songs, then I'm sold.

Also, SM crew should stop complaining about the inactivity of slam scene and start checking out some underground shit more. Finding gems, that's your job.
I actually like the instrumentals a lot, feels really underground, and creepy, like it burrows in your mind, that with those sick guttural vocals, feels like you're in a horror movie, and you get to listen to absolute brutal slams.

I think everyone is just a bit disapointed because alot of this years top slam bands produced albums that were bland compared to their earlier works. I.e, Gorevent, Vulvectomy.
I agree with the Gorevent and Vulvectomy but there's been some good shit too. Pighead and Human Parasite spring to mind.
I agree with the Gorevent and Vulvectomy but there's been some good shit too. Pighead and Human Parasite spring to mind.

Hell yeah, I've been really most of what i can get my hands on. The hard part is theres so much of it it's hard to go back and visit bands again.
Devourment was awesome last night. Crowd convinced them to play an encore too haha. And since it was their last day of the tour, they had $5 tour shirts :kickass: I also met/hung out a little with one of the Cerebral Incubation guys.
Guillotined is ok. That Viral Load/Putrid Pile split is decent too. The new Disentomb is really good though.
Also, SM crew should stop complaining about the inactivity of slam scene and start checking out some underground shit more. Finding gems, that's your job.

It isn't the scene, it's us like Nick said. I'm not too interested in writing anything lately and haven't been able to afford new CDs.