Brutal/Slam Death Metal

I'm not deep into brutal/slam death metal, but I regularly listen to popular bands like Skinless, Dying Fetus, Devourment, Suffocation, etc. There's more out there that escape me right now. I might be starting a slam death band here shortly and could probably use some new bands for inspiration, if you guys want to suggest anything that I might not have heard. I'm not normally someone who looks for bands online, and I often get stuck on a small handful of bands for months before decidin to check out something fresh, but it's about that time. I like solid grooves and semi-technical riffs with thick guitar tones, and something modern and decently produced might be preferred. The overdone gutturals done by many slam bands, especially Japanese, don't really appeal to me. I prefer vocals to vary and be used tastefully, but I can get over it in come cases, it really depends on the band.
I'm not deep into brutal/slam death metal, but I regularly listen to popular bands like Skinless, Dying Fetus, Devourment, Suffocation, etc. There's more out there that escape me right now. I might be starting a slam death band here shortly and could probably use some new bands for inspiration, if you guys want to suggest anything that I might not have heard. I'm not normally someone who looks for bands online, and I often get stuck on a small handful of bands for months before decidin to check out something fresh, but it's about that time. I like solid grooves and semi-technical riffs with thick guitar tones, and something modern and decently produced might be preferred. The overdone gutturals done by many slam bands, especially Japanese, don't really appeal to me. I prefer vocals to vary and be used tastefully, but I can get over it in come cases, it really depends on the band.

Despondency - God On Acid
Vomit The Soul - all the discography
they're giving out their ep away for free. u just have to message them your address and how many copies of it you want on myspace.
Pretty good year I'd say.. Not much left coming out before January.

lol u serious bro

imo it's been a pretty goddamn boring year for slam barring a few awesome releases (new Defeated Sanity is definitely in my top ten, new Cerebral Effusion lies just outside it, probably top 15 or 20?). New SBPU was quite good and I like the band but it's kind of a one-off listen for me and won't make my lists; I do still like it and think they have a lot of potential. Disappointed in new releases by Gorevent and Vulvectomy; both are kind of garbage compared to their respective debut albums, which slam the fuck out of most things currently being released.

Problems with new Gorevent range from weak production to substandard songwriting. Perhaps they're a one-hit wonder, because it's hard to write the kind of slam they write for more than one album and have each hit you as hard as the previous one; that said, on its own merits it isn't bad, just lackluster and a little TOO troglodytic for my tastes. To me, it's more important to write something viscerally challenging and disturbing than to continue to release the same-old sounding stuff, and you can tell from Worship Paganism that, despite the new aesthetic direction, there aren't too many deviations from the kind of thing they are being praised for. Not a fan of the attitude, but a lot of people liked the album so it might just be me. Not banking on it, but perhaps.

The new Vulvectomy suffers similar problems, but, ironically, it suffers from the exact opposite pitfall to some extent. It's too out-there, like they're trying to write beyond their capabilities as musicians in this genre. I wouldn't be surprised if, as they continued, they extrapolated into a more American direction, as it seems that's where they're going on Post-Abortion Slut Fuck. At times, it's also a little too much like they aren't doing enough, and, as a result, it gets caught in an annoying grey area that isn't even good or worthy of multiple listens.

The new Pathology shows the band continuing to technically wow but emotionally suck; it's like slam played by machines that are aware you don't want to hear "slam via machine" so the machines playing it try to bluff and add human elements but they are too thinly-veiled to trick at least marginally discerning people. Do not want.

I'm missing a few albums on your picture. I'll check them out soon.

You know what fucking rules that you don't have in that pic? The new Goretrade. That will probably make my top 10 or 15. It's an excellent CD, their best so far. It's the logical continuation of their styles into something that becomes more than the sum of its (excellent) parts. I'm a big fan of this band and likely will continue to be. I've been listening to them since Ritual of Flesh dropped and it immediately hit me due to the hooky nature of the songs combined with the typical Colombian leanings (odd melodic/epic riffs, sloppy, tinny blasting drums and awkward yet endearing vocals).

Anyway these are my opinions on this year's greatest and lamest. I know I've been out of the loop and, in all honesty, not even remotely interested in slam as I have been by various bands I would consider my favorites releasing excellent albums this year. I apologize for this; I know S-M's taken a hit for about 6 or so months now but I hope it will jumpstart fairly soon. No promises.
ya slam has been kinda boring this year. there hasnt been anything really to catch my attention and get me back into it like i used to be. recently ive gotten back into a couple of bands that i really like. writhing afterbirth, human rejection, gorepoflesh, and digested flesh are pretty much the only slam bands ive been listening to. also ill be listening to the gurchick tree ep a lot as soon as i get it.
Just posted the 200th Slam-Minded post! Just a quick one about the new Human Rejection songs. I also started my review of the new Goretrade but if you want to take that one that that's cool.

I think I've enjoyed slam more than most this year. I thought new Vulvectomy and Gorevent were good, if not amazing. Defeated Sanity, Cerebral Effusion, Cenotaph, and Goretrade have all been awesome.

Regarding S-M and slow rate of posting: This started out and always will be something we are doing for fun and because we love the music. If it's anything but that we shouldn't feel obligated to do it. I am very happy that people like reading our blog, but it's just a blog.

My posting (at UM and S-M) has slowed mostly because I am in my last year of university, and it's hard to fit in serious listening/reviewing time. Basically my goal is to do enough that it keeps afloat until I am less busy and more enthused, and I assume you feel that way too Andy.

I hope people keep listening to brutal death and reading our blog, just don't get too upset when a couple weeks go by with no new posts ;).
I think I've enjoyed slam more than most this year. I thought new Vulvectomy and Gorevent were good, if not amazing. Defeated Sanity, Cerebral Effusion, Cenotaph, and Goretrade have all been awesome.
Defeated Sanity and Cenotaph are the two best BDM albums of the year in my opinion. And it certainly has to do with the fact that the best brutal death metal drummer plays on both cds !