Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Check out Necrambulant, Cranial Osteotomy, Hostile Eyes, Candero, Genital Mutilation and fucking Party Cannon if you haven't already. :kickass:
Ezo's demo is one of the only pure-strain funeral slam things to have ever existed, I think they sort of started and ended it, as it's been tough to find really funeral-y stuff since that album... their debut is much more upbeat. Bodysnatch's newest has some good ones sometimes, though.
Check out Necrambulant, Cranial Osteotomy, Hostile Eyes, Candero, Genital Mutilation and fucking Party Cannon if you haven't already. :kickass:

Here are some songs:

pile of videos
All some good recs, thank you.

Ezo's demo is one of the only pure-strain funeral slam things to have ever existed, I think they sort of started and ended it, as it's been tough to find really funeral-y stuff since that album... their debut is much more upbeat. Bodysnatch's newest has some good ones sometimes, though.
I was waiting for you to come in and learn me a little somethin in your area of expertise. I am going to check out Bodysnatch right now. Ezo is definitely one of the best styles of slam I've heard so far. I love the 'funeral slam' style moniker, too. Fits perfectly. I wish there was more like it out there.
Funeral slam is a term coined by myself and Nick (cookiecutter) on our blog Slam-Minded several years back. I will refer you to this quote to understand what I mean when I evoke the term:

[A funeral slam] is a slam that either begins at the normal, average pace of the song and descends sharply into hanging chords punctuated by equally slow drums; essentially the equivalent of a sonic bludgeoning...or one that comes out of absolutely nowhere in the most ludicrous, whiplash-inducing way possible.
-my review of Defeated Sanity - Chapters...
Thanks V5. Starting to understand you and cookiecutter's trademarked term. When it comes to slam death being widely known, I think of my metalhead friends. Of all my friends which listen to metal (15-20 persons), maybe 20% listen and appreciate death metal, and none of them listen to brutal/slam death. I wonder how common this sample size is? No doubt, brutal/slam death is the black sheep of the family.
The first brutal death band that I ever heard and actually acknowledged as brutal death metal was Abominable Putridity's first album. Ever since hearing this style of metal, I've been hooked.