Brutal/Slam Death Metal

I don't see anything bad in listening to a good wigger slam band. Why are you so concerned about clothes bands wear?
Where is the description for wigger slam? I only saw it descirbe slam death metal.

Weird how "MTD" had such a low rating in comparison to some of those other bands/albums on that site. also found this review on it

"This shiznizzle be OFF DA HOOK, homie G, ya feel me? Probably the most br00talest album since the last Job For a Cowboy!"

Hope none of you wrote that.

Dripping has a 3.0, why is it SO impossible to find this album? I've only heard how great they are and I havn't even been able to listen to them yet. It's been years.
I can find a rip of their CD on Mediafire, it's a twisted little affair, you really should give it a listen.
I find 'wigger slam' to be useful in the way that it describes a type of slam that has no stylistic associations with 'brutal death.' 'Wigger slam' is the most unashamedly rhythmic of any genre of metal and can be difficult to appreciate in any melodic terms.

Will you Slam-Minded cunts be reviewing the new Devour The Unborn? That release is most enjoyable.
Please, recommend me some bands that play nothing but brutal slams.

Posted this before here...

Just look through this thread at the videos. Pick what you like. There's a shitload of good recommendations.
Might as well make a little favorites list myself.

Keep in mind this is coming from a guy who got tired with the genre, these are the ones I still like.

Wormed – Planisphaerium
Devourment - Molesting the Decapitated
Eternal Suffering - Recollections of Tragedy & Misery (technically Drowning In Tragedy)
Regurgitation - Tales of Necrophilia
Orchidectomy - A Prelate's Attrition
Carnal Decay - Chopping off the Head
Poppy Seed Grinder - Humanophobia

Your taste in metal is god like.
Cerebral effusion is more like BDM with slam. Pure slam bands would be awaiting the autopsy, epicardiectomy, consume the fetus, ezophagothomia, gorevent, inhuman dissiliency, infertile surrogacy ... to name a few.