Everyone here knows I use a Mac so I have no issues loading large pictures.
It's just irritatingly large and makes me have to scroll sideways.
I have a $600 Asus which does the same thing as your overpriced and faggoty Mac.
Also, I'm sure they've been mentioned in this thread before, but I just found out about this band. She's really the only metal vocalist that I would have never guessed to be a chick. To keep things current, here's Cerebral Bore's most recent single:
Have you checked out their first album? Pretty bad ass shit.
They only have one full length, right?
Yep, Maniacal Miscreation
Hey, mother fucker. You quit hiding and post moar or I will rape your face holes.
Completely missed this last year. Get it if you can.
Who are those? cant read that fking goddammnit letters.