Brutal/Slam Death Metal

While we're on the topic of wiggers, what is the name of that slam death band made up entirely of African Americans? The name slips my mind right now.

Damn, now you got me trying to remember, they were pretty good. they were from South Africa weren't they?

Anyway, I've been looking into the British brutal death scene recently and there's some pretty good stuff:
Infected Disarray
Embryonic Depravity

Most of the bands are in their relative infancy at the moment, but there's sure to be some excellent stuff in years to come.
Yar, Amputated, Crepitation, Ingested and Kastrated are awesome bands. And I get to see Amputated play again next month!

Fuck yeah. I hope I wrench my neck windmilling as much as I did last time. The pain was so worth it.
Deeds of Flesh

I'm sure V5 can provide a few more.

About the English scene: Of those, Embryonic Depravity is the only band that really excites me, but as Killbot said, they are all new and I assume can only get better. Embryonic Depravity are going to be on a split soon with Vomitous and a few others and I'll be sure to pick that up.
Yeah, I'm looking forward to it. I ordered an Embryonic Depravity shirt the other day, I really like their logo. The shirt only cost £7 as well. Bargain.

About the DM band comprised of black guys, the one I was thinking of was Crackdust from Botswana, were you thinking of the same band Life Sucks? I noticed you wrote African Americans, which leads me to think you were thinking of a different, American band.

One more thing, I've been listening to ChokingOnBile today and it's bloody good. Any other opinions on these guys?
Damn, now you got me trying to remember, they were pretty good. they were from South Africa weren't they?

Anyway, I've been looking into the British brutal death scene recently and there's some pretty good stuff:
Infected Disarray
Embryonic Depravity

Most of the bands are in their relative infancy at the moment, but there's sure to be some excellent stuff in years to come.
I was talking about an Ameriacn band, hence why I wrote African American. There are two all black death metal bands from Botswana (Crackdust and Wrust), but they aren't really bdm.

In terms of British bdm, my favorites are: Desecration, Necrocest, Regorge, Man Must Die. I need to look into those other bands you mentioned. I didn't think that the UK had a big bdm scene.
V5, what do you find so great about deathcore? I'm not trying to start a fight or anything, but when I think of deathcore I think of scenesters. I guess I'm just a grindcore purist, frankly I can't stand the fact people are labeling bands like Waking The Cadaver and Despised Icon grindcore, as I see no discernable punk influence as I would with old school-style grindcore.
V5, what do you find so great about deathcore? I'm not trying to start a fight or anything, but when I think of deathcore I think of scenesters. I guess I'm just a grindcore purist, frankly I can't stand the fact people are labeling bands like Waking The Cadaver and Despised Icon grindcore, as I see no discernable punk influence as I would with old school-style grindcore.

Yup. In general you are right there. It does not sound anything like Terrorizer to me.
V5, what do you find so great about deathcore? I'm not trying to start a fight or anything, but when I think of deathcore I think of scenesters. I guess I'm just a grindcore purist, frankly I can't stand the fact people are labeling bands like Waking The Cadaver and Despised Icon grindcore, as I see no discernable punk influence as I would with old school-style grindcore.

Hardcore (modern) is a different genre than hardcore punk. Though they're both rooted in the same thing, modern hardcore developed differently, and it's sad that it eventually got adopted by scene faggots with no respect towards musical integrity. I like deathcore, though, because a lot of it sounds good to my ears. :)

I wouldn't label WTC or DI as grindcore at all, but especially in DI's case, they are BIG fans of old-school grind (yes, the kind YOU like) and throw names like Terrorizer around as much as they do Devourment in interviews. I find that admirable, and I like DI a lot. WTC are getting better, they're not as silly or stupid as they were on the demo song on Myspace is almost pure slam. Here are some good deathcore bands, though, just cuz:

The Plasma Rifle (they sound Canadian; 'nuff said)
Elysia (I'm pretty sure these are just kids, which is cool)
Impending Doom (Christian but pretty good, sound-wise at least)
Luddite Clone (tech-deathcore/math-y grind shit)
Burnt By The Sun (same, but spazzier)
The Red Chord (really the first album only)
The Concubine (technical and epic, really great)
As Blood Runs Black (yeah these are scenesters but they're good for what they are)
Orphans In Coma (lots of influences here)
Infected Malignity (yes they have become melodic deathcore :p)

There are more but whatever. I like melodic metalcore and shit better usually.

Edit: I heard a Suicide Silence song at the radio station and liked it! However, just FYI, SLAM-MINDED is NOT a deathcore/related blog. I keep my other tastes firmly separate from the blog; we only discuss slam and brutal death metal, hardly ever discussing anything "core" related really.

I want to know who takes these fuckers seriously.
HSB is awesome, but they're just metalcore (German, however, meaning they throw a little added kick in there :p).

BTW Alter, let's not forget all of the metal bands acting like pisstakes sometimes. Just cause their hair is silly doesn't mean they're not focused on what they do. Let's not judge by looks but by sound.
HSB lean pretty heavily towards melodic death metal (but I guess that's a common trait for metalcore anyway).
Never heard 'em, guess I'll check it out. Do yerself a favor and listen to those thar bands ;)

edit: fuck, Rose Funeral owns.
BTW Alter, let's not forget all of the metal bands acting like pisstakes sometimes. Just cause their hair is silly doesn't mean they're not focused on what they do. Let's not judge by looks but by sound.

No, I totally understand that. I just really detest how BMTH act and sound.
Ha, I've seen both Rose Funeral and As Blood Runs Black. I have a lot of "scene" friends that drag me to those shows and since they were playing literally five minutes (walking distance) from my house, I ended up going to see them. Didn't care for either band.