Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Anyone else hyped up for this...

Decrepit Birth - Diminishing Between Worlds

Full-length, Unique Leader
January 29th, 2008
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1. The Living Doorway
2. Reflection of Emotions
3. Diminishing Between Worlds
4. Dimensions Intertwine
5. The Enigmatic Form
6. A Gathering of Imaginations
7. Await The Unending
8. Through Alchemy Bound Eternal
9. ...And Time Begins
10. Essence of Creation
11. The Morpheus Oracle

It's silly stuff, "pornogrind" if you will. And thus, not so good.

I thought Mikko would do better with this band.

BTW V5 were can I find his noise stuff. It look interesting.
Vile has always been pretty fucking average (well, so has DB I guess)...that said, I will still listen to the new DB.
I like Vile's New Age Of Chaos, but haven't heard Depopulate. As far as Decrepit Birth goes- I'll agree with the assessment of average. I still look forward to hearing where they go on the new album.
Yeah, they aren't anything spectacular, but I got into them a while ago. Ever since I've been checking Compton Records website regularly waiting for this release.
That's a little excessive. Why do you think that?

- The catchiest riffs in the history of man
- Fantastic guttural vocals
- Awesome bass drum patterns (i.e the breakdown in "Womb of Shit")
- Crisp as fuck production
- Every single song owns my puny, pathetic personage (a line I stole from your Digested Flesh appreciation post, btw)
- Tight musicianship, the blasts don't sound sloppy and spastic (unlike Devourment's)

I know it's pretty absurd that I think this is better than Devourment's "Molesting The Decapitated", for instance, but "God On Acid" has everything I'm looking for in a slam death record. Pay homage or begone!
I like BF's myspace songs. Good slam death with modern production.
- The catchiest riffs in the history of man
- Fantastic guttural vocals
- Awesome bass drum patterns (i.e the breakdown in "Womb of Shit")
- Crisp as fuck production
- Every single song owns my puny, pathetic personage (a line I stole from your Digested Flesh appreciation post, btw)
- Tight musicianship, the blasts don't sound sloppy and spastic (unlike Devourment's)

I know it's pretty absurd that I think this is better than Devourment's "Molesting The Decapitated", for instance, but "God On Acid" has everything I'm looking for in a slam death record. Pay homage or begone!
I'm giving it a listen now. It's certainly good, but the vocals or production don't really distinguish themselves in my mind. The guitar sound is a little squeaky whereas I prefer fuzzy. Hmm, sounded like I was discussing cute puppies there but my point still stands :cool:

Best non Devourment slam album imo is Wormed - Planisphaerium