Brutal/Slam Death Metal

Yeah but about 30 seconds of listening to Lord Gore told me what genre they were. You do speak (type?) in a way that seems very pompous whether you mean to or not, and it gets annoying to hear you spewing ignorance in this thread. Try rereading your posts with this in mind and maybe people will be less inclined to get pissed when you say incorrect things or babble endlessly about drone music.

I dont babble endlessly about drone music. I will try and not sound pompous. I corrected my self when I found out that Lord Gore is not Brutal Death Metal.
Ok guys, check out these also... These were recommended to me also, and I'm posting this for you to check out... Usually, I don't recommend bands that I haven't heard of, but since myspace is blocked here... I'll let you guys hear it first before I do...

Filipino Brutal/Slam Death Metal bands...

Erectile Dysfunction -

Internal Torture

Aktarma Suicide -

Lamaw -

Execration -

Disastrous -

Succubus Ritual -

and of course...

Down from the Wound
Human Mastication
Pus Vomit
Fetal Mutilation
Instrument of Torture

... but I think you already know it...

Currently listening to Malignancy's Intrauterine Cannibalism...

And yeah, I heard the solo of VR on their SOF cover... It's short, but good anyways...
Erectile Dysfunction is pretty bad, really horrible production and too silly for my tastes. Vocals are decent, if they had better production and mixing it'd probably be okay.

Aktarma Suicide are fucking great sounding, nice crisp slams with well-mixed vocals and HUGE breakdowns...I'd be very interested in hearing more from them.

Lamaw is pretty muddy sounding but I can at least pass it because the stuff is good enough...typical, but I don't really care.

The Execration stuff on Myspace is at like a negative bitrate, so it's tough to judge...sounds good enough to me, though.

Disastrous sucks...except for the slower part in the first song which was cool.

Succubus Ritual is GREAT. Fuck!
wow every single one of those bands you listed have abysmal production, are horribly generic and are pretty much a joke in terms of song titles and imagery.
Hey I love plenty of brutal bands with less than stellar production and plenty of bands with pretty whacky lyrics, but these bands are so utterly terrible it just makes me laugh at how bad it is.
It's because they are just starting out, they haven't done any releases outside of their own little circle; of course they are not going to have fucking amazing 9 million dollar budget production or even close to something like early Suffo mixing. Oh well.
Yeah, those damn underground Filipino bands should produce their first demos better and write better lyrics in a non-native tongue.

If you want to see how great these bands can become as they move forward, just look at Down From the Wound and Human Mastication.
Eh, can't say I'm a fan of Internal Torture...

The best out of those links are easily Aktarma Suicide imo.

So far, Lamaw has some damned serious potential in the realm of straightforward brutality; it's unfortunate that they're quite monotonous though :erk:

I have to agree with V5 on disastrous; the slow part was good, but god damn are the drums ever annoying.

I can't comment on Succubus Ritual, there is so much going on...I need some decent production before I can make a well rounded judgment.


I found this when I was just browsing:
Begging for Incest